Groundwater-Quality Monitoring near Ashland, Nebraska
Since 1991, the USGS Nebraska Water Science Center has collected water samples from six monitoring wells in the Platte River alluvial aquifer near Ashland. Analytes include major and trace metals, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, pesticides and their degradates, and arsenic species. The samples are analyzed by the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory. The USGS also collects additional samples from three monitoring wells north of Ashland to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected explosives analytes, such as cyclonite (also known as cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, Royal Demolition Explosive, or RDX) and volatile organic compounds, such as trichloroethene (also known as trichloroethylene, or TCE). The selected explosives and volatile organic compounds of interest were not detected in the 2016 samples.
Analytical results data from 1991 to 2018 are available in delimited text files below for selected explosives, field parameters, major ions, nutrients, pesticides and their degradates, stable isotopes, trace elements, volatile organic compounds, and other analytes in samples that were collected from wells screened in the Platte River alluvial aquifer, near Ashland, Nebraska. Samples were usually collected in either the spring, fall, or early winter.
Samples were collected to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected major ions, nutrients, pesticides and their degradates, and trace elements primarily in six wells (M90-17R, M90-30R, M90-33R, M90-34R, M90-36R, M91-38R, M04-7, M04-10 and M04-11). These analytical results and the field parameter, stable isotope, and other analytical results data are available in the delimited text file below. [Note: Right click on the link and use the "Save as" or "Save target (or link) as" selection to save this data to a file. The file is tab delimited].
Groundwater-Quality Analytes Data near Ashland, NE
Samples also were collected to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected explosives analytes and volatile organic compounds primarily in three wells (M90-1, M90-2, and M90-4). Selected explosive analytes include cyclonite (also known as cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, Royal Demolition Explosive, or RDX). Selected volatile organic compounds include trichloroethene (also known as trichloroethylene, or TCE). The analytical results data for the selected explosive analytes and the analytical results for the selected volatile organic compounds are available in a delimited text file below. [Note: Right click on each link and use the "Save as" or "Save target (or link) as" selection to save this data to a file. The files are '|' delimited ].
Explosive Analytes Data near Ashland, NE
Selected Volatile Organic Compounds Data near Ashland, NE
Since 1991, the USGS Nebraska Water Science Center has collected water samples from six monitoring wells in the Platte River alluvial aquifer near Ashland. Analytes include major and trace metals, nutrients, dissolved organic carbon, pesticides and their degradates, and arsenic species. The samples are analyzed by the USGS National Water Quality Laboratory. The USGS also collects additional samples from three monitoring wells north of Ashland to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected explosives analytes, such as cyclonite (also known as cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, Royal Demolition Explosive, or RDX) and volatile organic compounds, such as trichloroethene (also known as trichloroethylene, or TCE). The selected explosives and volatile organic compounds of interest were not detected in the 2016 samples.
Analytical results data from 1991 to 2018 are available in delimited text files below for selected explosives, field parameters, major ions, nutrients, pesticides and their degradates, stable isotopes, trace elements, volatile organic compounds, and other analytes in samples that were collected from wells screened in the Platte River alluvial aquifer, near Ashland, Nebraska. Samples were usually collected in either the spring, fall, or early winter.
Samples were collected to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected major ions, nutrients, pesticides and their degradates, and trace elements primarily in six wells (M90-17R, M90-30R, M90-33R, M90-34R, M90-36R, M91-38R, M04-7, M04-10 and M04-11). These analytical results and the field parameter, stable isotope, and other analytical results data are available in the delimited text file below. [Note: Right click on the link and use the "Save as" or "Save target (or link) as" selection to save this data to a file. The file is tab delimited].
Groundwater-Quality Analytes Data near Ashland, NE
Samples also were collected to determine the presence and, if present, concentrations of selected explosives analytes and volatile organic compounds primarily in three wells (M90-1, M90-2, and M90-4). Selected explosive analytes include cyclonite (also known as cyclotrimethylene trinitramine, Royal Demolition Explosive, or RDX). Selected volatile organic compounds include trichloroethene (also known as trichloroethylene, or TCE). The analytical results data for the selected explosive analytes and the analytical results for the selected volatile organic compounds are available in a delimited text file below. [Note: Right click on each link and use the "Save as" or "Save target (or link) as" selection to save this data to a file. The files are '|' delimited ].
Explosive Analytes Data near Ashland, NE
Selected Volatile Organic Compounds Data near Ashland, NE