Status of Glaciers in Glacier National Park
Blackfoot Glacier
Grinnell Glacier
Unnamed Glacier on Norris Mountain
Glaciers on the Glacier National Park (GNP) landscape have ecological value as a source of cold meltwater in the otherwise dry late summer months, and aesthetic value as the park’s namesake features. USGS scientists have studied these glaciers since the late 1800s, building a body of research that documents widespread glacier change over the past century. Ongoing USGS research pairs long-term data with modern techniques to advance understanding of glacier physical processes, alpine ecosystem impacts, and climate linkages. By providing objective scientific monitoring, analysis, and interpretation of glacier change, the USGS helps land managers make well-informed management decisions across the Glacier National Park landscape.

WHAT IS A GLACIER? A glacier is a body of snow and ice that moves under its own weight. Glacier movement may be detected by the presence of crevasses, cracks that form in the ice as the glacier moves. All glaciers are dynamic, changing in response to temperature and precipitation – growing when winter snowfall exceeds summer melting, and shrinking when melting outpaces accumulation of new snow. Most of the glaciers in Glacier National Park are relatively small cirque glaciers, occupying alpine basins along the Continental Divide. In GNP, ice bodies are classified as glaciers when their area exceeds 0.1 km2 (100,000 m2), or about 25 acres.
TRACKING GLACIERS OVER TIME: The extensive valley glaciers that carved GNP’s majestic peaks were part of a glaciation that ended about 12,000 years ago. The smaller alpine glaciers that cling to mountainsides today have been present on the landscape since at least 6,500 years ago. These glaciers grew substantially during the Little Ice Age (LIA) that began around 1400 AD and reached their maximum size around 1850 AD. Their maximum sizes can be reconstructed from the mounds of rock and soil left behind, known as moraines. A comprehensive inventory of moraines visible in satellite imagery revealed that there were 80 glaciers (>0.1 km2) at the peak of the Little Ice Age in GNP’s boundary. Similarly, comprehensive analysis of modern glacier extent documented in satellite imagery showed that in 2005, the number of glaciers >0.1 km2 had decreased to 32. Thus, over the roughly 150 years between the mid-19th century LIA glacial maximum and the advent of the 21st century, the number of glaciers >0.1 km 2 within GNP decreased by nearly 60%.

Comprehensive inventories of glaciers across the Glacier National Park landscape include named and unnamed glaciers. Yet inspecting the subset of named glaciers alone reveals the same trend of glacier loss. This time series of glacier retreat reveals glacier loss and area reduction since 1966.
All glaciers in Glacier National Park have decreased in area, but the rates of retreat are not uniform. Studies of local topographic effects show that variations in glacier geometry, ice thickness, elevation, shading, input from avalanching, and the contribution of wind-deposited snow, likely account for each glacier’s unique rate of change.

The USGS uses aerial photographs and satellite imagery to delineate glacier margins, calculate glacier area, and track glacier change in the Glacier National Park region. This approach allows for inventories that meet the needs of different stakeholder groups who are interested in different subsets and area cutoff criteria depending on their focus, interest, and needs. The table below enumerates glaciers according to different groups: named, comprehensive (including unnamed glaciers), > 0.1 km2, > 0.01 km2. The alternative 0.01 km2 size threshold includes very small glaciers in accordance with the Randolph Glacier Inventory, a global database that international scientists use to calculate ice volume and model glacier dynamics.
These distinct glacier inventories serve various scientific purposes. The “named glaciers” subset and > 0.1 km2 area cutoff remains consistent with previous USGS studies and supports inquiry focused on this recognized group of glaciers. The comprehensive “all glaciers” inventory and smaller > 0.01km2 threshold captures the spatial distribution of all glaciers in the park and can be used to estimate overall hydrologic contribution of water stored in ice.
Glacier margin time series and area change assessments are relatively straightforward to generate when adequate aerial or satellite imagery is available. However, these metrics of documenting glacier change are limited, because tracking the glacier’s footprint does not account for glacier thinning or thickening. Capturing that vertical dimension of change requires elevation data. Pairing glacier area change with glacier surface elevation change allows for volume loss estimates. This information provides researchers with a more hydrologically significant understanding of the magnitude of glacier loss in complete three dimensional space, not just at the glacier perimeter. Ongoing USGS research uses satellite imagery and photogrammetry to quantify glacier volume change across the region rather than only at individual glacier sites.
- GNP Glacier Inventory Data – digitized glacier margins derived from aerial and satellite imagery (shp files and metafile)
- Glacier Area Information Table - named glaciers of GNP and Flathead National Forest (also see PDF directly below)
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? Forecasting the future of glaciers involves model development. Previous USGS geospatial modeling forecast premature demise for the glaciers in Glacier National Park because these models did not account for existing ice volume and other physical factors that control glacier response to warming. More recent research led by the World Heritage Programme forecast 21st century glacier fate across United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage sites. This physical modeling predicts near total Glacier National Park glacier disappearance by 2100. USGS analysis shows that localized factors such as ice thickness, shading, and wind effects may mediate the exact timing of ice disappearance, yet the small size of the glaciers in Glacier National Park provides little buffer against a warming climate. This contrasts the modeled outcome for larger glaciers, which persist beyond 2100 in climate scenarios where greenhouse gas emissions are mitigated. Ongoing USGS research will continue to monitor the glaciers at Glacier National Park and other glacierized ecosystems in North America.

USGS Products
1. Martin-Mikle, C.J., and Fagre, D.B., 2019, Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v:51, p: 280-289,
2. Fagre, D.B., McKeon, L.A., Dick, K.A., and Fountain, A.G., 2017, Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Non-USGS Products
3. Bosson, J.B., Huss, M., and Osipova, E., 2019, Disappearing world heritage glaciers as a keystone of nature conservation in a changing climate: Earth’s Future, v: 7, p: 469–479.
Related Links:
- USGS Glacier Retreat Fact Sheet
- Time series of GNP Glacier Retreat
- USGS Repeat Photography Project
- Overview of Glacier National Park’s Glaciers (NPS)
- USGS Benchmark Glaciers
- Global Land Ice Measurements from Space
- Randolph Glacier Inventory
- World Glacier Monitoring Service
- National Park Service Repeat Photography Teacher Trunk

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Repeat Photography Project
Science in Glacier National Park
Time Series of Glacier Retreat
Glacier Monitoring Studies
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Glaciers of Glacier National Park Repeat Photography Collection
Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.

Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Blackfoot & Jackson Glaciers: 8/1/1914 EC Stebinger, USGS Photographic Library – 9/3/2009 L McKeon, USGS
Since the historic photo was taken, Blackfoot Glacier has retreated and fragmented into two separate glaciers, Blackfoot (foreground) and Jackson (distant) Glaciers.
Blackfoot & Jackson Glaciers: 8/1/1914 EC Stebinger, USGS Photographic Library – 9/3/2009 L McKeon, USGS
Since the historic photo was taken, Blackfoot Glacier has retreated and fragmented into two separate glaciers, Blackfoot (foreground) and Jackson (distant) Glaciers.
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Agassiz Glacier: 8/5/1913 WC Alden, USGS Photographic Library - 8/24/2007, D Fagre, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Agassiz Glacier: 8/5/1913 WC Alden, USGS Photographic Library - 8/24/2007, D Fagre, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Chaney Glacier: 1911, MR Campbell, USGS Photographic Library – 8/19/2005 Karen Milone, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Chaney Glacier: 1911, MR Campbell, USGS Photographic Library – 8/19/2005 Karen Milone, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Boulder Glacier Ice Cave: 1932, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 1988, J DeSanto, U of M Library
This photo pair inspired the USGS to document glacier and landscape change using oblique photography.
Boulder Glacier Ice Cave: 1932, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 1988, J DeSanto, U of M Library
This photo pair inspired the USGS to document glacier and landscape change using oblique photography.
Shepard Glacier: 9/6/1913, WC Alden, USGS Photo Library – 8/21/2005, B. Reardon, USGS
Shepard Glacier: 9/6/1913, WC Alden, USGS Photo Library – 8/21/2005, B. Reardon, USGS
Sperry Glacier: circa 1930, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/17/2008, L McKeon, USGS
Repeating this photo from the same photo point was impossible since the historic photo was shot from the elevated perspective of the glacier’s surface.
Sperry Glacier: circa 1930, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/17/2008, L McKeon, USGS
Repeating this photo from the same photo point was impossible since the historic photo was shot from the elevated perspective of the glacier’s surface.
Grinnell and The Salamander Glaciers from the summit of Mt. Gould: 1938, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 9/4/2019, L McKeon, USGS
Upper Grinnell Lake has formed as the glacier has retreated. The change in height of Grinnell Glacier along the cliff face hints at volume loss during this timespan.
Grinnell and The Salamander Glaciers from the summit of Mt. Gould: 1938, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 9/4/2019, L McKeon, USGS
Upper Grinnell Lake has formed as the glacier has retreated. The change in height of Grinnell Glacier along the cliff face hints at volume loss during this timespan.
Swiftcurrent Glacier: circa 1910, M. Elod, GNP Archives - 9/27/2016, L McKeon, USGS
During the timespan between these photos, it is evident that Swiftcurrent Glacier has retreated and wildfire has consumed a patch of trees at the base of Swiftcurrent Mountain, the broad, beige slope in the background.
Swiftcurrent Glacier: circa 1910, M. Elod, GNP Archives - 9/27/2016, L McKeon, USGS
During the timespan between these photos, it is evident that Swiftcurrent Glacier has retreated and wildfire has consumed a patch of trees at the base of Swiftcurrent Mountain, the broad, beige slope in the background.
Logan and Red Eagle Glaciers: Aug. 1914, EC Stebinger, USGS Photo Library – 9/2/2009, L McKeon, USGS
These glaciers were once a continuous glacier, but became separate glaciers as retreat progressed.
Logan and Red Eagle Glaciers: Aug. 1914, EC Stebinger, USGS Photo Library – 9/2/2009, L McKeon, USGS
These glaciers were once a continuous glacier, but became separate glaciers as retreat progressed.
Jackson Glacier: 1912, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/3/2009, L McKeon, USGS
Trees and vegetation continue to establish themselves at the base of Jackson Glacier as the glacier retreats.
Jackson Glacier: 1912, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/3/2009, L McKeon, USGS
Trees and vegetation continue to establish themselves at the base of Jackson Glacier as the glacier retreats.

America has questions about climate change, and the USGS has real answers. In this episode of Climate Connections, USGS scientists answer questions gathered from the beautiful Glacier National Park in Montana. Questions include:
America has questions about climate change, and the USGS has real answers. In this episode of Climate Connections, USGS scientists answer questions gathered from the beautiful Glacier National Park in Montana. Questions include:
Below are publications associated with this project.
U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier Project
Specialized meltwater biodiversity persists despite widespread deglaciation
Parsing complex terrain controls on mountain glacier response to climate forcing
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Reanalysis of the U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glaciers: Long-term insight into climate forcing of glacier mass balance
Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape
Local topography increasingly influences the mass balance of a retreating cirque glacier
Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015
Glacier-derived August runoff in northwest Montana
Climate change links fate of glaciers and an endemic alpine invertebrate
A century of climate and ecosystem change in Western Montana: What do temperature trends portend?
Below are FAQ associated with this project.
How do we know glaciers are shrinking?
Below are partners associated with this project.
Glaciers on the Glacier National Park (GNP) landscape have ecological value as a source of cold meltwater in the otherwise dry late summer months, and aesthetic value as the park’s namesake features. USGS scientists have studied these glaciers since the late 1800s, building a body of research that documents widespread glacier change over the past century. Ongoing USGS research pairs long-term data with modern techniques to advance understanding of glacier physical processes, alpine ecosystem impacts, and climate linkages. By providing objective scientific monitoring, analysis, and interpretation of glacier change, the USGS helps land managers make well-informed management decisions across the Glacier National Park landscape.

WHAT IS A GLACIER? A glacier is a body of snow and ice that moves under its own weight. Glacier movement may be detected by the presence of crevasses, cracks that form in the ice as the glacier moves. All glaciers are dynamic, changing in response to temperature and precipitation – growing when winter snowfall exceeds summer melting, and shrinking when melting outpaces accumulation of new snow. Most of the glaciers in Glacier National Park are relatively small cirque glaciers, occupying alpine basins along the Continental Divide. In GNP, ice bodies are classified as glaciers when their area exceeds 0.1 km2 (100,000 m2), or about 25 acres.
TRACKING GLACIERS OVER TIME: The extensive valley glaciers that carved GNP’s majestic peaks were part of a glaciation that ended about 12,000 years ago. The smaller alpine glaciers that cling to mountainsides today have been present on the landscape since at least 6,500 years ago. These glaciers grew substantially during the Little Ice Age (LIA) that began around 1400 AD and reached their maximum size around 1850 AD. Their maximum sizes can be reconstructed from the mounds of rock and soil left behind, known as moraines. A comprehensive inventory of moraines visible in satellite imagery revealed that there were 80 glaciers (>0.1 km2) at the peak of the Little Ice Age in GNP’s boundary. Similarly, comprehensive analysis of modern glacier extent documented in satellite imagery showed that in 2005, the number of glaciers >0.1 km2 had decreased to 32. Thus, over the roughly 150 years between the mid-19th century LIA glacial maximum and the advent of the 21st century, the number of glaciers >0.1 km 2 within GNP decreased by nearly 60%.

Comprehensive inventories of glaciers across the Glacier National Park landscape include named and unnamed glaciers. Yet inspecting the subset of named glaciers alone reveals the same trend of glacier loss. This time series of glacier retreat reveals glacier loss and area reduction since 1966.
All glaciers in Glacier National Park have decreased in area, but the rates of retreat are not uniform. Studies of local topographic effects show that variations in glacier geometry, ice thickness, elevation, shading, input from avalanching, and the contribution of wind-deposited snow, likely account for each glacier’s unique rate of change.

The USGS uses aerial photographs and satellite imagery to delineate glacier margins, calculate glacier area, and track glacier change in the Glacier National Park region. This approach allows for inventories that meet the needs of different stakeholder groups who are interested in different subsets and area cutoff criteria depending on their focus, interest, and needs. The table below enumerates glaciers according to different groups: named, comprehensive (including unnamed glaciers), > 0.1 km2, > 0.01 km2. The alternative 0.01 km2 size threshold includes very small glaciers in accordance with the Randolph Glacier Inventory, a global database that international scientists use to calculate ice volume and model glacier dynamics.
These distinct glacier inventories serve various scientific purposes. The “named glaciers” subset and > 0.1 km2 area cutoff remains consistent with previous USGS studies and supports inquiry focused on this recognized group of glaciers. The comprehensive “all glaciers” inventory and smaller > 0.01km2 threshold captures the spatial distribution of all glaciers in the park and can be used to estimate overall hydrologic contribution of water stored in ice.
Glacier margin time series and area change assessments are relatively straightforward to generate when adequate aerial or satellite imagery is available. However, these metrics of documenting glacier change are limited, because tracking the glacier’s footprint does not account for glacier thinning or thickening. Capturing that vertical dimension of change requires elevation data. Pairing glacier area change with glacier surface elevation change allows for volume loss estimates. This information provides researchers with a more hydrologically significant understanding of the magnitude of glacier loss in complete three dimensional space, not just at the glacier perimeter. Ongoing USGS research uses satellite imagery and photogrammetry to quantify glacier volume change across the region rather than only at individual glacier sites.
- GNP Glacier Inventory Data – digitized glacier margins derived from aerial and satellite imagery (shp files and metafile)
- Glacier Area Information Table - named glaciers of GNP and Flathead National Forest (also see PDF directly below)
WHAT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD? Forecasting the future of glaciers involves model development. Previous USGS geospatial modeling forecast premature demise for the glaciers in Glacier National Park because these models did not account for existing ice volume and other physical factors that control glacier response to warming. More recent research led by the World Heritage Programme forecast 21st century glacier fate across United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage sites. This physical modeling predicts near total Glacier National Park glacier disappearance by 2100. USGS analysis shows that localized factors such as ice thickness, shading, and wind effects may mediate the exact timing of ice disappearance, yet the small size of the glaciers in Glacier National Park provides little buffer against a warming climate. This contrasts the modeled outcome for larger glaciers, which persist beyond 2100 in climate scenarios where greenhouse gas emissions are mitigated. Ongoing USGS research will continue to monitor the glaciers at Glacier National Park and other glacierized ecosystems in North America.

USGS Products
1. Martin-Mikle, C.J., and Fagre, D.B., 2019, Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, v:51, p: 280-289,
2. Fagre, D.B., McKeon, L.A., Dick, K.A., and Fountain, A.G., 2017, Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Non-USGS Products
3. Bosson, J.B., Huss, M., and Osipova, E., 2019, Disappearing world heritage glaciers as a keystone of nature conservation in a changing climate: Earth’s Future, v: 7, p: 469–479.
Related Links:
- USGS Glacier Retreat Fact Sheet
- Time series of GNP Glacier Retreat
- USGS Repeat Photography Project
- Overview of Glacier National Park’s Glaciers (NPS)
- USGS Benchmark Glaciers
- Global Land Ice Measurements from Space
- Randolph Glacier Inventory
- World Glacier Monitoring Service
- National Park Service Repeat Photography Teacher Trunk

Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Repeat Photography Project
Science in Glacier National Park
Time Series of Glacier Retreat
Glacier Monitoring Studies
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Glaciers of Glacier National Park Repeat Photography Collection
Glacier margin time series (1966, 1998, 2005, 2015) of the named glaciers of Glacier National Park, MT, USA
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.

Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Boulder Glacier: circa 1910 M Elrod, Glacier National Park Archives - 8/24/2007 D Fagre & G Pederson, USGS
Blackfoot & Jackson Glaciers: 8/1/1914 EC Stebinger, USGS Photographic Library – 9/3/2009 L McKeon, USGS
Since the historic photo was taken, Blackfoot Glacier has retreated and fragmented into two separate glaciers, Blackfoot (foreground) and Jackson (distant) Glaciers.
Blackfoot & Jackson Glaciers: 8/1/1914 EC Stebinger, USGS Photographic Library – 9/3/2009 L McKeon, USGS
Since the historic photo was taken, Blackfoot Glacier has retreated and fragmented into two separate glaciers, Blackfoot (foreground) and Jackson (distant) Glaciers.
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Grinnell, Gem & Salamander Glaciers: 8/9/1910 M Elrod, U of M Library – 9/27/2016 L McKeon, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Agassiz Glacier: 8/5/1913 WC Alden, USGS Photographic Library - 8/24/2007, D Fagre, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Agassiz Glacier: 8/5/1913 WC Alden, USGS Photographic Library - 8/24/2007, D Fagre, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Chaney Glacier: 1911, MR Campbell, USGS Photographic Library – 8/19/2005 Karen Milone, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Chaney Glacier: 1911, MR Campbell, USGS Photographic Library – 8/19/2005 Karen Milone, USGS
View the full collection at USGS Photographic Library
Boulder Glacier Ice Cave: 1932, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 1988, J DeSanto, U of M Library
This photo pair inspired the USGS to document glacier and landscape change using oblique photography.
Boulder Glacier Ice Cave: 1932, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 1988, J DeSanto, U of M Library
This photo pair inspired the USGS to document glacier and landscape change using oblique photography.
Shepard Glacier: 9/6/1913, WC Alden, USGS Photo Library – 8/21/2005, B. Reardon, USGS
Shepard Glacier: 9/6/1913, WC Alden, USGS Photo Library – 8/21/2005, B. Reardon, USGS
Sperry Glacier: circa 1930, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/17/2008, L McKeon, USGS
Repeating this photo from the same photo point was impossible since the historic photo was shot from the elevated perspective of the glacier’s surface.
Sperry Glacier: circa 1930, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/17/2008, L McKeon, USGS
Repeating this photo from the same photo point was impossible since the historic photo was shot from the elevated perspective of the glacier’s surface.
Grinnell and The Salamander Glaciers from the summit of Mt. Gould: 1938, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 9/4/2019, L McKeon, USGS
Upper Grinnell Lake has formed as the glacier has retreated. The change in height of Grinnell Glacier along the cliff face hints at volume loss during this timespan.
Grinnell and The Salamander Glaciers from the summit of Mt. Gould: 1938, TJ Hileman, GNP Archives – 9/4/2019, L McKeon, USGS
Upper Grinnell Lake has formed as the glacier has retreated. The change in height of Grinnell Glacier along the cliff face hints at volume loss during this timespan.
Swiftcurrent Glacier: circa 1910, M. Elod, GNP Archives - 9/27/2016, L McKeon, USGS
During the timespan between these photos, it is evident that Swiftcurrent Glacier has retreated and wildfire has consumed a patch of trees at the base of Swiftcurrent Mountain, the broad, beige slope in the background.
Swiftcurrent Glacier: circa 1910, M. Elod, GNP Archives - 9/27/2016, L McKeon, USGS
During the timespan between these photos, it is evident that Swiftcurrent Glacier has retreated and wildfire has consumed a patch of trees at the base of Swiftcurrent Mountain, the broad, beige slope in the background.
Logan and Red Eagle Glaciers: Aug. 1914, EC Stebinger, USGS Photo Library – 9/2/2009, L McKeon, USGS
These glaciers were once a continuous glacier, but became separate glaciers as retreat progressed.
Logan and Red Eagle Glaciers: Aug. 1914, EC Stebinger, USGS Photo Library – 9/2/2009, L McKeon, USGS
These glaciers were once a continuous glacier, but became separate glaciers as retreat progressed.
Jackson Glacier: 1912, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/3/2009, L McKeon, USGS
Trees and vegetation continue to establish themselves at the base of Jackson Glacier as the glacier retreats.
Jackson Glacier: 1912, MJ Elrod, U of M Library – 9/3/2009, L McKeon, USGS
Trees and vegetation continue to establish themselves at the base of Jackson Glacier as the glacier retreats.

America has questions about climate change, and the USGS has real answers. In this episode of Climate Connections, USGS scientists answer questions gathered from the beautiful Glacier National Park in Montana. Questions include:
America has questions about climate change, and the USGS has real answers. In this episode of Climate Connections, USGS scientists answer questions gathered from the beautiful Glacier National Park in Montana. Questions include:
Below are publications associated with this project.
U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glacier Project
Specialized meltwater biodiversity persists despite widespread deglaciation
Parsing complex terrain controls on mountain glacier response to climate forcing
Glacier retreat in Glacier National Park, Montana
Reanalysis of the U.S. Geological Survey Benchmark Glaciers: Long-term insight into climate forcing of glacier mass balance
Glacier recession since the Little Ice Age: Implications for water storage in a Rocky Mountain landscape
Local topography increasingly influences the mass balance of a retreating cirque glacier
Glaciological measurements and mass balances from Sperry Glacier, Montana, USA, years 2005–2015
Glacier-derived August runoff in northwest Montana
Climate change links fate of glaciers and an endemic alpine invertebrate
A century of climate and ecosystem change in Western Montana: What do temperature trends portend?
Below are FAQ associated with this project.
How do we know glaciers are shrinking?
Below are partners associated with this project.