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Interactive Data-Driven Applications for Timely, Definitive, and Transparent Water Management 

Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center Webinar, Friday, November 19, 11 am Central

Developed in cooperation with USGS partners, technological solutions help coordinate the communication of resource management decisions to stakeholders and the public in a timely, definitive, and transparent manner. By leveraging data from the USGS Water Data For the Nation (formerly called National Water Information System) combined with data from local and regional sources, water resource managers can act swiftly and with confidence to address the needs of stakeholders and the natural system. This presentation will cover examples of efforts completed in cooperation with the Office of the Delaware River Master and the Walker Basin Conservancy (in Nevada and California). Through interactive data-driven web applications, real-time and discrete data from the USGS and external stakeholder organizations are used to inform water-supply management and serve as a common operating data frame in each system.  

Tasked with provisioning and conserving water from the Delaware River, its tributaries, and New York City reservoirs in the Delaware River Basin, the Office of the Delaware River Master uses USGS data in a data-driven application to provide a broad view of allocation delivery within the basin. Data are presented in an interactive web map, through real-time operation visualizations, and through summary reports. 

The Walker Basin Hydro Mapper provides information on real-time conditions through an interactive real-time map and visualizations, summaries of monthly water-quality data within context of targeted restoration goals; and the mapper houses the Lower Walker River Conveyance Protocol tool that provides a daily accounting of the movement of Walker Basin Restoration Program Water through the Lower Walker River and into Walker Lake. 


     Walker Basin Hydro Mapper (NV and CA) 

     Office of the Delaware River Master  


The webinar will be held as Microsoft Teams Live Event.  Attendees can attend the Teams Live Event by web browser, desktop Teams app, or official iOS or Android Teams app.  At this time, attendees cannot join from a mobile web browser.

     Webinar Time: Friday, November 19, 2021, 11 am – 12 noon Central time

     Join the Webinar: Teams Live Event link

For additional information, please contact Lynne Fahlquist at


     Toby Welborn 

     Shannon Watermolen

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