SPCMSC Research Oceanographer Meg Palmsten attended the Florida Coastal Resiliency Summit
Research Oceanographer Meg Palmsten represented USGS SPCMSC during a meeting with federal agencies and the State of Florida to discuss overall coastal resilience as well as the short- and long-term challenges associated with recovery from Hurricanes Ian and Nicole.
USGS is a leader in studying and predicting coastal change hazards and is well-positioned to provide critical information to coastal managers as they face decisions to address coastal vulnerabilities. During the 2022 hurricane season, Florida was hit by Hurricanes Ian and Nicole, and faced an immense amount of coastal damage including erosion, overwash, and surge-driven flooding. During the Florida Coastal Resiliency Summit Dr. Meg Palmsten of the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center presented on USGS storm response and coastal change hazards research, tools, and data that can help Florida emergency and coastal managers prepare for, adapt to, and mitigate impacts from tropical storms.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) organized this summit involving state and federal agencies to discuss resources these organizations could provide in recovery from storms during the 2022 hurricane season and in long term coastal resilience. The group brainstormed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to coastal resilience, and discussed strategies to bolster resilience. The group recognized that additional conversations with stakeholders, academic groups, and community organizations can lead to more effective storm recovery and resilience planning.
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