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Dr. Donya Frank-Gilchrist of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, and Dr. Allison Penko of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Ocean Sciences Division presented research on sand transport under oscillatory flows at the Marine and River Dune Dynamics Conference in Rennes, France.

a woman stands at a podium on stage in front of a presentation about sand grain trapping over sand ripples
Dr. Donya Frank-Gilchrist presenting at the Marine and River Dune Dynamics Conference (MARID) in Rennes, France.

The Marine and River Dune Dynamics Conference (MARID), held April 3-5, 2023, facilitated knowledge exchange with scientists across the world specializing in bedform dynamics in marine, riverine, and subaerial environments across a wide range of scales from small sand ripples to large dunes. MARID facilitates communication between scientists across various disciplines to improve our understanding of bedform dynamics in various environments and across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales with a focus on societal implications. The MARID community convenes approximately every 3 years to share the latest developments in marine, river, and subaerial bedform dynamics.

Dr. Donya Frank-Gilchrist of the USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center (SPCMSC) and Dr. Allison Penko of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Ocean Sciences Division attended the MARID conference on April 3-5, 2023 in Rennes, France. At the conference, they presented their collaborative research on a novel phenomenon of sediment transport: vortex trapping of sand grains by oscillatory flows over ripples. They also learned from other scientists on the state-of-the-art discoveries regarding bedform dynamics in the nearshore.

The conference also featured several keynote speakers with themes centered around the need for a unified language when describing bedforms. In addition, the conference organized a technical tour of the tidal flats around Mont Saint-Michel to give the attendees first-hand experience of the morphological features in a wave-dominated vs. current-dominated combined flow environment. The MARID conference was organized by the University of Rennes and the French Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Office (SHOM). While there, Dr. Frank-Gilchrist met with representatives from SHOM to learn about hydrodynamic and bathymetric data resources for the French Caribbean territories as part of the Stakeholder Engagement for Natural Hazards Investigations in the Caribbean (SENHIC) project.

The conference proceedings can be found here: Marine and River Dune Dynamics Proceedings

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