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USGS Research Oceanographer receives international award

Lauren Toth (Research Oceanographer, SPCMSC) was awarded the International Coral Reef Society’s Young Scientist award in recognition of an exceptional series of publications.

Lauren Toth

SPCMSC Research Oceanographer Lauren Toth is the recipient of the 2019 International Coral Reef Society Young Scientist Award. The objective of the International Coral Reef Society is to “promote the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and understanding of coral reefs, both living and fossil”. It currently has more than 1000 members representing more than 60 different countries and territories around the world. The award is given in recognition of an exceptional series of publications that have had a significant influence on coral-reef science. In recognition of this achievement, Toth will be granted lifetime status as an ICRS Fellow and has been invited to present her research at the 14th International Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen, Germany.


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