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USGS Researcher Invited to Brief Representative Ben Diamond

Cheryl Hapke will meet with Florida State Representative Ben Diamond on Friday, March 30, in his District office in St. Petersburg to brief him on the Florida Coastal Mapping Program.

Representative Ben Diamond learned of the Florida Coastal Mapping Program through the Innovation District in St Petersburg. As a follow-up and to find out more details on the mapping program, the State Representative for District 68 requested a meeting with Hapke, a co-chair of the program, to provide a briefing about the program and its objectives. The Florida Coastal Mapping Program is a committed effort of 4 Federal and 4 State agencies to work together to coordinate coastal seafloor mapping and to develop a strategy to map all of Florida's coastal seafloor from the shore to the shelf break in the next decade. 

Read what else is new at the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center.

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