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USGS Western Ecological Research Center compiles one-page handouts on WERC scientists' projects involving high-profile topics like renewable energy, drought, climate change, and more. These handouts are perfect for conferences and meetings with partners and resource managers. 


USGS Western Ecological Research Center Handout

Screenshot of WERC handout




















Handout on Wildlife/Renewable Energy Research

Screenshot of the WERC handout on wildlife/renewable energy projects.
WERC scientists investigate issues surrounding sensitive wildlife and iconic ecosystems to inform safe, responsible renewable energy development.















Handout on WERC Fire Science

Screenshot of WERC handout on wildfire research
WERC scientists study fires across the state of California and parts of Nevada. Their findings are informing land and resource management, and species conservation.


















Handout on Partnerships with the National Park Service

Screen capture of the WERC handout on partnerships with the NPS
WERC is aiding the National Park Service at National Parks, National Wildlife Refuges, and other protected lands across California. Download the handout to explore specific projects.

















WERC Partnerships with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)

Screen capture of WERC's handout on FWS partnerships
Together, the USGS and USFWS inform the public and scientific community about the diverse wildlife of the U.S.
















WERC's Indigenous and International Partnerships

Screen capture of WERC's handouts on its partnerships with international and indigenous groups
Our partnerships with indigenous peoples and international groups are essential to conserving threatened habitats and wildlife worldwide.
















Handout on Collaborations with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Screen capture of the WERC USACE handout
Check out WERC's collaborations with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our scientists serve on teams that address high-profile efforts like the L.A. River Ecosystem Restoration  and Aliso Creek Restoration Projects.



















Handout on Work at Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge

Screenshot of the WERC handout on Seal Beach NWR restoration work.
How can scientists help resource managers prepare to protect coastal wetlands from sea level rise? Download this handout to learn more.

















WERC Studies in the San Francisco Bay-Delta

Screenshot of WERC's handout on SF Bay-Delta research
USGS WERC scientists study the effects of sea level rise, endangered and threatened species, and more within the diverse and busy San Francisco Bay-Delta. Download to learn more.


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