Supporting Informed Responses to Sea-Level Rise
To facilitate communication and outreach of sea level rise research results and implications, Dr. Karen Thorne and members of USGS WERC are hosting in-person workshops along the Pacific coast at different sites in Washington, Oregon, and California.
Science Delivery and Needs Assessment Workshops
To facilitate communication and outreach of sea-level rise research results and implications, members of USGS WERC are hosting in-person workshops along the Pacific coast at different estuarine sites in Washington, Oregon, and California. We convene managers, biologists, Tribes, and other decision makers and partners at these regional workshops. Our team proposes to bring results to the field to facilitate interactions that can help sea level rise planning at multiple scales to inform climate change adaptation planning to ensure actionable science.
- Disseminate site-specific baseline data and modeling results, reveal coast-wide trends, and identify data gaps.
- Identify science needs and how local sea-level rise may be incorporated into habitat conservation, planning, and adaptation strategies.
Scenario Planning for Sea-level Rise
The purpose of these projects is to help managers and decision makers to envision the range of possible natural resource management scenarios given climatic change, and use this information to generate optimal sea-level rise adaptation strategies.
- Identify biological and non-biological targets of concern in the project area through consultation with managers
- Assemble and summarize current and potential sea-level rise projections, impacts and other relevant information.
- Assess vulnerability of targets and develop plausible scenarios of natural resource states as a result of sea-level rise to develop and prioritize future management strategies.
To facilitate communication and outreach of sea level rise research results and implications, Dr. Karen Thorne and members of USGS WERC are hosting in-person workshops along the Pacific coast at different sites in Washington, Oregon, and California.
Science Delivery and Needs Assessment Workshops
To facilitate communication and outreach of sea-level rise research results and implications, members of USGS WERC are hosting in-person workshops along the Pacific coast at different estuarine sites in Washington, Oregon, and California. We convene managers, biologists, Tribes, and other decision makers and partners at these regional workshops. Our team proposes to bring results to the field to facilitate interactions that can help sea level rise planning at multiple scales to inform climate change adaptation planning to ensure actionable science.
- Disseminate site-specific baseline data and modeling results, reveal coast-wide trends, and identify data gaps.
- Identify science needs and how local sea-level rise may be incorporated into habitat conservation, planning, and adaptation strategies.
Scenario Planning for Sea-level Rise
The purpose of these projects is to help managers and decision makers to envision the range of possible natural resource management scenarios given climatic change, and use this information to generate optimal sea-level rise adaptation strategies.
- Identify biological and non-biological targets of concern in the project area through consultation with managers
- Assemble and summarize current and potential sea-level rise projections, impacts and other relevant information.
- Assess vulnerability of targets and develop plausible scenarios of natural resource states as a result of sea-level rise to develop and prioritize future management strategies.