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Members of the family Acanthuridae include surgeonfishes, tangs, and unicornfishes. These fishes are popular in home aquariums.

Non-native Fish Species from Family Acanthuridae Found in Florida Waters

Genus and Species Common Name Continent of Origin Population Status Florida Record
Acanthurus guttatus whitespotted surgeonfish Indo-Pacific Failed Collection Info
Acanthurus pyroferus chocolate surgeonfish Indo-Pacific Eradicated Collection Info
Acanthurus sohal Red Sea surgeonfish Indo-Pacific Failed Collection Info
Naso lituratus orangespine unicornfish Indo-Pacific Eradicated/Failed Collection Info
Paracanthurus hepatus palette surgeonfish Indo-Pacific Unknown Collection Info
Zebrasoma desjardinii sailfin tang Indo-Pacific Failed Collection Info
Zebrasoma flavescens yellow tang Indo-Pacific Unknown Collection Info
Zebrasoma scopas brown tang Indo-Pacific Failed Collection Info
Zebrasoma veliferum sailfin tang Indo-Pacific Unknown Collection Info
Zebrasoma xanthurum yellowtail tang Indo-Pacific Unknown Collection Info


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