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Scientific literature and information products produced by Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center staff

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Earthquakes in the Orozco transform zone: seismicity, source mechanisms, and tectonics

As part of the Rivera Ocean Seismic Experiment, a network of ocean bottom seismometers and hydrophones was deployed in order to determine the seismic characteristics of the Orozco transform fault in the central eastern Pacific. We present hypocentral locations and source mechanisms for 70 earthquakes recorded by this network. All epicenters are within the transform region of the Orozco Fracture Zo
Anne M. Tréhu, Sean C. Solomon

Furrowed outcrops of Eocene chalk on the lower continental slop offshore New Jersey

A sea bottom of middle Eocene calcareous claystone cut by downslope-trending furrows was observed during an Alvin dive to the mouth of Berkeley Canyon on the continental slope off New Jersey. The furrows are 10 to 50 m apart, 4 to 13 m deep, linear, and nearly parallel in water depths of 2,000 m. They have steep walls and flat floors 3 to 5 m wide, of fine-grained sediment. Mid-range sidescan-sona
James M. Robb, John R. Kirby, John C., Jr. Hampson, Patricia R. Gibson, Barbara Hecker

Biological control of the removal of abiogenic particles from the surface ocean

Concurrent measurements of particle concentrations in the near-surface water and of particle fluxes in the deep water of the Sargasso Sea show a close coupling between the two for biogenic components. The concentrations of suspended matter appear to follow an annual cycle similar to that of primary production and deepwater particle flux. Although the concentration of particulate aluminum in the su
W.G. Deuser, P.G. Brewer, T.D. Jickells, R.F. Commeau

Characteristics of resuspended sediment from Georges Bank collected with a sediment trap

A sediment trap was deployed 3 m from the bottom at a water depth of 62 m on the southern flank of Georges Bank (41°02·2′N, 67°33·5′W) from 30 September 1978 to 10 March 1979 to qualitatively determine the size of sediments resuspended from the bottom by winter storms and to determine if seasonal changes in the phytoplankton could be observed in the trapped sediment.Bulk X-ray analyses of the trap
C.M. Parmenter, Michael H. Bothner, B. Butman

Quaternary geology of the Rhode Island inner shelf

Five sedimentary units and three erosional unconformities identified in high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles reveal the stratigraphic framework and Quaternary history of the inner continental shelf south of Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. Late Tertiary to early Pleistocene rivers eroded the pre-Mesozoic bedrock and the Upper Cretaceous to lower Tertiary coastal plain and continental shelf s
S. W. Needell, C. J. O'Hara, H.J. Knebel

World geoscience literature and translation

No abstract available.
Maura Connor, Frank T. Manheim

Manganese-phosphorite deposits of the Blake Plateau (Western North-Atlantic Ocean)

No abstract available.
Frank T. Manheim, P. Popenoe, William Siapno, C. Lane

Marine geologic studies of the inner continental shelf off Massachusetts

No abstract available.
C. J. O'Hara, R. N. Oldale, O.C. Farquhar

Northern East Pacific Rise: Magnetic anomaly and bathymetric framework

The oceanic crust in the eastern Pacific between 7°N and 30°N and east of 127°W contains a fairly complete history of the spreading centers associated with the East Pacific Rise since 25 m.y. B.P. (late Oligocene). In this paper, we have summarized the seafloor spreading magnetic-anomaly data and the bathymetric data that reflect the record of this tectonic history. The well-defined magnetic linea
Kim D. Klitgord, Jacqueline Mammerickx

Paleo-oceanography of the Norwegian Sea during the past 130,000 years: Coccolithophorid and foraminferal data

Faunal, floral and sedimentological properties of Norwegian Sea core V27-86 were examined in order to reconstruct the paleo-oceanographic history of this region. Downcore variations in the relative abundance of three microfossil groups and several sediment properties exhibit three different climate response patterns (CRP). Each pattern is judged to represent the response of a different part of the
P.E. Belanger
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