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Links to all publications authored by WY-MT Water Science Center Scientists:

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Diel biogeochemical processes in terrestrial waters

Many biogeochemical processes in rivers and lakes respond to the solar photocycle and produce persistent patterns of measureable phenomena that exhibit a day–night, or 24-h, cycle. Despite a large body of recent literature, the mechanisms responsible for these diel fluctuations are widely debated, with a growing consensus that combinations of physical, chemical, and biological processes are involv
David A. Nimick, Christopher H. Gammons

Wyoming groundwater-quality monitoring network

A wide variety of human activities have the potential to contaminate groundwater. In addition, naturally occurring constituents can limit the suitability of groundwater for some uses. The State of Wyoming has established rules and programs to evaluate and protect groundwater quality based on identified uses. The Wyoming Groundwater-Quality Monitoring Network (WGQMN) is a cooperative program betwee
Gregory K. Boughton

Estimated loads of suspended sediment and selected trace elements transported through the Clark Fork basin, Montana, in selected periods before and after the breach of Milltown Dam (water years 1985-2009)

Milltown Reservoir is a National Priorities List Superfund site in the upper Clark Fork basin of western Montana where sediments enriched in trace elements from historical mining and ore processing have been deposited since the completion of Milltown Dam in 1908. Milltown Dam was breached on March 28, 2008, as part of Superfund remediation activities to remove the dam and excavate contaminated sed
Steven K. Sando, John H. Lambing

Pesticides in Wyoming's rivers, 2006-10

In 2006, the U.S. Geological Survey completed a study in cooperation with the Wyoming Department of Agriculture to determine the occurrence of pesticides in four major rivers within the Bighorn and North Platte River Basins in Wyoming. Surface-water samples were collected at five sites during three different times of the year and detectable concentrations of pesticides were measured in samples col
Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller

A 50-year record of NOx and SO2 sources in precipitation in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA

Ice-core samples from Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG), Wyoming, were used as proxy records for the chemical composition of atmospheric deposition. Results of analysis of the ice-core samples for stable isotopes of nitrogen (δ15N, ) and sulfur (δ34S, ), as well as  and  deposition rates from the late-1940s thru the early-1990s, were used to enhance and extend existing National Atmospheric Deposition Pr
David L. Naftz, Paul F. Schuster, Craig A. Johnson

Assessment of potential migration of radionuclides and trace elements from the White Mesa uranium mill to the Ute Mountain Ute Reservation and surrounding areas, southeastern Utah

In 2007, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe requested that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Geological Survey conduct an independent evaluation of potential offsite migration of radionuclides and selected trace elements associated with the ore storage and milling process at an active uranium mill site near White Mesa, Utah. Specific objectives of this study were (1) to determine recharge
David L. Naftz, Anthony J. Ranalli, Ryan C. Rowland, Thomas M. Marston

Potential water-quality effects of coal-bed methane production water discharged along the upper Tongue River, Wyoming and Montana

Water quality in the upper Tongue River from Monarch, Wyoming, downstream to just upstream from the Tongue River Reservoir in Montana potentially could be affected by discharge of coal-bed methane (CBM) production water (hereinafter referred to as CBM discharge). CBM discharge typically contains high concentrations of sodium and other ions that could increase dissolved-solids (salt) concentrations
Stacy M. Kinsey, David A. Nimick

Hydrogeology and water quality in the Snake River alluvial aquifer at Jackson Hole Airport, Jackson, Wyoming, September 2008–June 2009

The hydrogeology and water quality of the Snake River alluvial aquifer, at the Jackson Hole Airport in northwest Wyoming, was studied by the U.S. Geological Survey in cooperation with the Jackson Hole Airport Board and the Teton Conservation District during September 2008-June 2009. Hydrogeologic conditions were characterized using data collected from 14 Jackson Hole Airport wells. Groundwater lev
Peter R. Wright

Characterization of water quality and biological communities, Fish Creek, Teton County, Wyoming, 2007-08

Fish Creek, a tributary to the Snake River, is about 25 river kilometers long and is located in Teton County in western Wyoming near the town of Wilson. Public concern about nuisance growths of aquatic plants in Fish Creek have been increasing in recent years. To address this concern, the U.S. Geological Survey conducted a study in cooperation with the Teton Conservation District to characterize t
Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, David A. Peterson, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Daniel J. Leemon

Characterization of Fish Creek, Teton County, Wyoming, 2004-08

Fish Creek, a tributary to the Snake River, is about 15 river miles long and is located in Teton County in western Wyoming near the town of Wilson (fig. 1). Public concern about nuisance growths of aquatic plants in Fish Creek has been increasing since the early 2000s. To address this concern, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Teton Conservation District, began studying Fish Cree
Cheryl A. Eddy-Miller, David A. Peterson, Jerrod D. Wheeler, Daniel J. Leemon

Assessment of ecological conditions and potential effects of water produced from coalbed natural gas development on biological communities in streams of the Powder River structural basin, Wyoming and Montana, 2005-08

Ongoing development of coalbed natural gas in the Powder River structural basin in Wyoming and Montana led to formation of an interagency task group to address concerns about the effects of the resulting production water on biological communities in streams of the area. The interagency task group developed a monitoring plan and conducted sampling of macroinvertebrate, algal, and fish communities a
David A. Peterson, Melanie L. Clark, Katharine Foster, Peter R. Wright, Gregory K. Boughton
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