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Well Catalog Search Tips

The Well Catalog now offers both Map-Based and Text-Based search capabilities. 

Shown below are pictures of the search tools and examples of the results produced by using the tools to search the Well Catalog.

To find downloadable files for a well listed as having photos or thin sections or analysis in the Text-Based Search Results...

Click on Library Number
The Library Number is a link to a page with more information.

Using the Text-Based Search

The form to enter search criteria into these boxes
Search Box HintsThe new Text-Based Search allows more choices of search criteria. Hovering the mouse pointer over the data entry box will display a tooltip with information about the acceptable entries for that box.With the default setting, it will search for both cores and cuttings. Un-check the appropriate box to remove core or cuttings from the search. To select a state use the drop-down box. Once a state has been selected the county drop-down box will only offer choices of counties in the selected state.If you want to specify a range of values for township and range, separate the values with a dash (5-10). Use the check boxes to select direction. If your area includes a region such as 5N to 5S you can check both the N and S boxes or leave both boxes empty and it will find all wells with that township or range number.Multiple API numbers separated by commas can be entered into the API number box.A search can be restricted to find only full or only slabbed cores by selecting from the choices in the drop-down box labeled "Type".Operator, well name and field can be searched. Upper or lower case letters can be used and it may be better to enter only part of a name to get the most results.Cores can be searched by formation name, entering just the first few letters is sufficient although it may return more than one formation. We do not have formation information for the cuttings.

Working with the Text-Based Search Results

List of cores found by search
By default, a search looks for both cores and cuttings at the same time. The list of results are on separate pages. Click on the Cores or Cuttings tabs to switch between lists. Clicking on a column name in the well list will sort (either ascending or descending) by that column. Click "Refine Search" to return to the search page with the previously entered criteria preserved. The original search can then be modified to broaden or narrow the scope as needed. The "View in full page" button expands the screen area used by the list. The core and cuttings lists have a column with "YES" or "no" to indicate if there are thin sections or analyses. The core list also indicates if there are photos. For the cores, the list now includes the interval and formation information on the far right side. Cores with multiple intervals are repeated in the list. To see and download any available reports, photos or thin section images click on the Library Number and then click the links on the resulting page for the individual items.

Result of Clicking on the Library Number

Core intervals and links to images
This page can be viewed by clicking the Library Number in the list of results. For cores it will show the intervals and formations (if known). We do not currently have formation data for the cuttings but the links will lead to a similar page showing any available thin sections or analyses. Click the links to display the images which can be saved to your computer. An individual file can be downloaded or choose "download all" to get a zipped file containing all the items in that category. "Download all" in the photo area will get all the photos, you will need to select download all from the thin section or analysis areas to get separate folders with all of those files. If there is only one file for a particular category "download all" will not appear, just click that individual file.

Printing from Full Page View

Full page view
Click on Full Page View to get a list that can be printed directly from the browser. For best results when using Internet Explorer change to landscape view and use "Shrink to Fit" to get all columns on one page. For Firefox, use landscape view and if "Shrink to Fit" cuts off columns try changing "Scale" to 60%.

Exporting the List to a File

Choosing the page and exporting the file
Long lists with many pages can be viewed by clicking on "Next" or choosing a page number from the buttons at the bottom of the page. The Number of Rows Per Page can be selected from the drop-down. The lists can be exported into files with a choice of formats: CSV (Comma Separated Value) which opens in Excel, PDF, or XML. Clicking on the name of the file type will bring up a box to save the file.

Map-Based Search

View of the map
The buttons or the tabs can be used to switch between the Text-Based Search and the Map-Based Search. The on-screen slider or the mouse wheel can be used to zoom in and out. Check boxes are used to select the layers to appear on the map: Cores and Cuttings can be turned on or off and boundaries for states, counties, townships and sections can be shown or hidden. Buttons in the right corner will select the style of the base map. Only wells with latitude and longitude data will appear in the Map-Based Search so check the Text-Based Search for possible additional wells.

Zoom In and Select an Area

View of the map with a selected area
Pan to an area of interest using the mouse or the arrow keys, zoom in, hold the shift key and use the mouse to draw a box around the area. It will zoom to the selected area. To get a list of the wells in the selected area click on the "Search" button. Finish working with the map before clicking Search to get the list because it will leave the map and will not return to the selected map area.

Zoom In to See Township and Range Boundaries and Labels

View of the map zoomed to see townships and ranges
Zooming in reveals the township and range boundaries with their labels.

Zoom In more to See Sections

View of the map zoomed to see townships, ranges and sections
Zooming in farther reveals the labeled sections.

Click on a Point for More Information

Map with point clicked on to get popup information bubble
Click on a point to get a pop-up bubble with the information about the well(s) at that location. If more than one well is represented by that point, the pop-up bubble will have a scrollbar to allow viewing of the information for all the wells. Clicking on "Show" within the bubble will bring up the page with the intervals and the links to any available files for viewing and downloading.

Result of Clicking on "Show"

Core intervals and links to images
Clicking on "Show" produces the same page that can be viewed by clicking the Library Number in the list of results from the Text-Based Search. For cores it will show the intervals and formations (if known). We do not currently have formation data for the cuttings but the links will lead to a similar page showing any available thin sections or analyses. Click the links to display the images which can be saved to your computer. An individual file can be downloaded or choose "download all" to get a zipped file containing all the items in that category. "Download all" in the photo area will get all the photos, you will need to select download all from the thin section or analysis areas to get separate folders with all of those files. If there is only one file for a particular category "download all" will not appear, just click that individual file.


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