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2012-2017 Landsat Science Team

As recognized national and international leaders in land remote sensing, 2012-2017 Landsat Science Team members were tasked with evaluating issues of importance to all Landsat users. They played a key role in ensuring that data from future missions are successfully integrated with already archived remotely sensed data for the purpose of observing national and global environmental systems

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The 2012-2017 Landsat Science Team agency co-chairs were Dr. Tom Loveland (USGS EROS Center) and Dr. Jim Irons (NASA GSFC). The co-leaders were Dr. Curtis Woodcock (Boston University) and Dr. David Roy (South Dakota State University).

Meeting agendas and presentations are available on the Meetings page. 

2012-2017 Landsat Science Team
2012-2017 Landsat Science Team

The team members, affiliations, and research and applications emphases are:

Developing and enhancing Landsat derived evapotranspiration and surface energy products

  • Dr. Richard Allen, University of Idaho
  • Dr. Ayse Kilic, University of Nebraska
  • Dr. Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute

Mapping vegetation phenology, water use, and drought at high spatiotemporal resolution fusing multi-band and multi-platform satellite imagery

  • Dr. Martha Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service
  • Dr. Feng Gao, USDA Agricultural Research Service

Understanding the global land-use marketplace

  • Dr. Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Centre

Ecological Applications of Landsat Data in the Context of US Forest Service Science and Operational Needs

  • Dr. Warren Cohen, USDA Forest Service

Landsat data continuity: advanced radiometric characterization and product development

  • Dr. Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University

Integrating Field-Level Biophysical Metrics Derived from Landsat Science Products into a National Agricultural Data Warehouse

  • Dr. Jim Hipple, USDA Risk Management Agency

Synergies between future Landsat and European satellite missions for better understanding coupled human-environment systems

  • Dr. Patrick Hostert, Humboldt University of Berlin

Operational monitoring of US croplands with Landsat 8

  • Mr. David Johnson, USDA National Agricultural Statistical Service

Using time-series approaches to improve Landsat's characterization of land surface dynamics

  • Dr. Robert Kennedy, Boston University

Multi-temporal Analysis of biophysical parameters derived from the Landsat Series of satellites

  • Dr. Leo Lymburner, Geoscience Australia

Absolute radiometric and climate variable intercalibration of Earth observing sensors

  • Dr. Joel McCorkel, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Continuity of the Web Enabled Landsat Data (WELD) Product Record in the LDCM Era

  • Dr. David Roy, South Dakota State University

North American Land Surface Albedo and Nearshore Shallow Bottom Properties from Landsat and MODIS/VIIR

  • Dr. Crystal Schaaf, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Cryospheric Applications of the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (Landsat 8)

  • Dr. Ted Scambos, University of Colorado

The Use of LDCM for the Monitoring of Fresh and Coastal Water

  • Dr. John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology

Developing Decadal High Resolution Global Lake Products from LDCM and Landsat

  • Dr. Yongwei Sheng, University of California, Los Angeles

Development of Landsat surface reflectance Climate Data Records

  • Drs. Eric Vermote and Christopher Justice, University of Maryland

Ecological Disturbance Monitoring using Landsat Time Series Data

  • Dr. Jim Vogelmann, U.S. Geological Survey

Better Use of the Landsat Temporal Domain: Monitoring Land Cover Type, Condition, and Change

  • Dr. Curtis Woodcock, Boston University

Integrating the past, present, and future of Landsat

  • Dr. Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service

Making Multitemporal Work

  • Dr. Randolph Wynne, Virginia Tech


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