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A Soil-Water-Balance model and precipitation data used for HEC/HMS modelling at the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge area, northwestern Minnesota, 2002-15.

May 3, 2019

A soil-water balance model (SWB) was developed to estimate evapotranspiration in six ditch basins of the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge area, northwestern Minnesota, during 2002-2015. The model was used to estimate evapotranspiration in water balances in six ditch basins as part of the associated report, U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-5041 ( This SWB model was derived from the statewide Minnesota SWB potential recharge model, described, calibrated, and documented as part of U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2015-5038 ( The data sets and calibrations from the Minnesota statewide model were used without modification except for the more detailed precipitation, water capacity, and land use input data. In this model, precipitation data were interpolated from local raingages. Water capacity data were taken from the gSSURGO soils data base. Land-use data were compiled from three sources using the most detailed data: the National Land Cover Database, the Cropland Data Layer and data from the local Natural Resources Conservation Service office. Details of the procedures used to produce these three detailed data sets can be found in U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2019-XXXX ( This model was not recalibrated. All calibrated parameters remain the same as those in the statewide Minnesota SWB model. The areal resolution of this model was increased to a 60-meter square grid and the temporal period was extended through 2015 relative to the statewide SWB model. Daymet (version 2) daily surface temperature data necessary to run this SWB model are available upon request through the following link:
Also included in this data archive is a file of selected hourly precipitation totals for six ditch basins used in HEC/HMS ditch-flow modelling described in the associated report.

Publication Year 2019
Title A Soil-Water-Balance model and precipitation data used for HEC/HMS modelling at the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge area, northwestern Minnesota, 2002-15.
DOI 10.5066/P9QRD7A3
Authors Timothy K Cowdery, Catherine A Christenson
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Upper Midwest Water Science Center
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