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Environmental-tracer modeling to support hydrogeochemical evaluation of the Fountain Creek Alluvial Aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2018-2019

July 17, 2020
This data release contains environmental tracer concentrations, modeled recharge conditions (water temperature, excess air), and resulting estimated groundwater residence times. This dataset supports an integrated hydrogeochemical investigation of solute sources, groundwater recharge processes, and groundwater flow in the Fountain Creek alluvial aquifer. The data release contains five comma separated value (CSV) files. The CSV files contain the model inputs (gas and tracer concentrations) and the model outputs (simulated recharge temperature, excess air, apparent groundwater age, and mean groundwater residence time). Data were collected in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force Civil Engineering Center.
Publication Year 2020
Title Environmental-tracer modeling to support hydrogeochemical evaluation of the Fountain Creek Alluvial Aquifer, El Paso County, Colorado, 2018-2019
DOI 10.5066/P99SPQM2
Authors Connor P Newman
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Colorado Water Science Center - Main Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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