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Geochemical data from batch experiments to test mobility of trace elements downgradient from breccia-pipe uranium deposits

August 27, 2021

This data release includes solid and aqueous chemical data related to a set of sequential laboratory batch experiments conducted to test and simulate the mobility of trace elements as natural waters contact ore from breccia pipe uranium (BPU) deposits located in northern Arizona. The experiments made use of aquifer-related, sedimentary rocks collected specifically for this study and archival ore material ( Data provided on solid phase materials include elemental chemistry (file “Aquifer_related_rock_elemental_chemistry_final.csv ”) and quantitative mineralogy of the sedimentary rocks (file “Aquifer_related_rock_quantitative_mineralogy_final.csv”) used in the laboratory experiments. The sedimentary rock samples were collected from surface exposures in Grand Canyon National Park. Latitude, longitude, and geologic formation information are provided for each rock sample. Aqueous data were generated from laboratory leaching experiments conducted in U.S. Geological Survey laboratories in Boulder, Colorado (file “Aqueous_samples_final.csv”). The experiments consisted of five steps that involved reacting synthetic groundwater with a subset of the sedimentary rocks and different gas mixtures to simulate natural conditions and processes. Step 1 created artificial shallow groundwater in the Grand Canyon region. Step 2 created 2 different artificial mine waters. Step 3 mimicked mine water entering a downgradient anoxic environment and encountering aquifer-related rocks. Step 4 mimicked those waters entering an oxic environment. Step 5 mimicked additional oxidation of the water in the subsurface and additional contact with aquifer-related rocks. Sample preparation, analytical techniques, and quality controls are described in the metadata file. All table attributes and abbreviations are defined in the file “Data_Dictionary_final.csv” file.

Publication Year 2021
Title Geochemical data from batch experiments to test mobility of trace elements downgradient from breccia-pipe uranium deposits
DOI 10.5066/P9VILVZY
Authors Carleton Bern, Kate M Campbell-Hay, Katie Walton-Day, Gabrielle L Keith
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Colorado Water Science Center - Main Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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