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High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey of the Hanford Area, Washington

April 13, 2020

This data release provides access to a low-altitude, aeromagnetic survey of a part of south-central Washington centered approximately 30 km east of Yakima and referred to as the Hanford aeromagnetic survey. The survey includes the city of Richland, numerous smaller communities, and the Hanford Site ( The Hanford aeromagnetic survey extends from the Columbia Plateau westward to the Cascade Range and illuminates magnetic anomalies associated with folds and faults of the Yakima folds, including the Toppenish Ridge, Ahtanum Ridge, Umtanum Ridge, Boyleston Mountain, Rattlesnake Mountain, Saddle Mountains, and Frenchman Hills anticlines. These data were acquired during September and October, 2009, by Goldak Airborne Surveys working under contract to the U.S. Geological Survey. Total magnetic field values were acquired using a fixed-wing aircraft flown at a target elevation 150 m above terrain and along flight lines and tie lines spaced 400 m and 4000 m apart, respectively. Flight lines were directed north-south, and tie lines were directed east-west. A total of 30,700 line-kilometers were acquired. The details of the Hanford aeromagnetic survey are described in the document, Hanford_Tech_Report.pdf available for download in this data release.

Publication Year 2020
Title High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey of the Hanford Area, Washington
DOI 10.5066/P9A8POB7
Authors Richard J Blakely, Brian Sherrod, Craig S. Weaver
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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