This digital dataset includes 580 samples from 12 groundwater wells and 45 samples of produced water from 38 sites (including 17 wells) located within 3 miles of the Placerita and Newhall Oil Fields in Los Angeles County, southern California. Historical geochemistry data were compiled from multiple data sources for selected water-quality indicators, major and minor ions, nutrients, trace elements, dissolved organic carbon, hydrocarbons, naturally occurring radioactive material, tracers, semi-volatile organic compounds, volatile organic compounds, organic acids, and other miscellaneous organic compounds. Ancillary data in the form of top perforation or top of sample interval (petroleum wells), bottom perforation or bottom of sample interval (petroleum wells), well depth, or hole depth (water wells), land-surface (water wells) or reference point (petroleum wells) elevation at the well head, well location, and identifier information were also compiled.