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Streambed sediment data for Missouri and Niobrara Rivers, Nebraska and South Dakota, 2015

November 17, 2017
Deltaic sand deposits at the head of Lewis and Clark Lake, Nebraska-South Dakota were investigated for suitability for use as a proppant feedstock resource in unconventional oil or gas production. The physical characteristics of the deposits are described in four supplemental data sets in varied file formats. First, for the direct-push cores collected at four sandbar complexes in the Missouri River delta, detailed descriptions of core lithology and texture are provided in Comma Separated Values (CSV) file format. Second, apparent resistivity results from capacitively coupled (CC) resistivity profiles collected along surface-geophysical reconnaissance lines are displayed using standardized color ramps and vertically exaggerated scales. The data are provided in PNG file format. Third, laboratory reports of sediment particle size and shape statistics are provided as PDF-formatted sheets, typically with three sheets per sample corresponding to optical particle-size analyzer (OPSA) results for (1) the washed sample, (2) the subsample sieved to retain only the dominant proppant size class (for example, API 40/70 size or 70/140 size), and (3) the same subsample after undergoing a crush-resistance test at a single stress level of 34.5 MPa (5,000 lbf/in2). These laboratory reports also include graphs showing the particle-size distributions measured by the OPSA. Fourth, photomicrographs of each sample, often but not always provided for each of the three OPSA-analyzed subsamples of each sample. For scale, each photomicrograph includes a 0.5-mm (500 micron)-diameter pencil lead within the field of view. The images are provided in JPEG file format. Images are located with the laboratory results for each sample.
Publication Year 2017
Title Streambed sediment data for Missouri and Niobrara Rivers, Nebraska and South Dakota, 2015
DOI 10.5066/F79W0CQB
Authors Brent M Hall, Christopher M Hobza
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Nebraska Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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