What is the LandsatLook Viewer?
Use the LandsatLook Viewer to view and access USGS Landsat satellite Collection 2 data. Use the Viewer to:
- Query the Landsat archive by area of interest, sensor, acquisition date, or cloud cover.
- Filter out cloud-contaminated pixels within a mosaic.
- Export images in a PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format.
- Generate and download a video animation time-lapse mosaic.
Learn More: LandsatLook Viewer
What are LandsatLook images?
LandsatLook images are full-resolution .jpeg files that were included as options when downloading Landsat Level-1 data from EarthExplorer or GloVis . Landsat Collection 2 LandsatLook images are now called "Full Resolution Browse images". Download them from EarthExplorer as individual files for each Landsat 1 through Landsat 9 Level-1 scene. These are useful for simple visual interpretation without...
What are Landsat Collections?
In 2016, the USGS reorganized the Landsat archive into a tiered collection. This structure ensures that Landsat Level-1 products provide a consistent archive of known data quality to support time-series analyses and data “stacking”, while controlling continuous improvement of the archive and access to all data as they are acquired. Learn more: Landsat Collections Landsat Data Access
What are Landsat Collection 2 Full Resolution Browse Images?
Similar to Landsat Collection 1 LandsatLook Images , the Landsat Collection 2 Full Resolution Browse Images are .JPG and .TIF images with geographic referencing that are compressed and stretched to create an image optimized for image selection and visual interpretation. They are derived from Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 data and are available to download from EarthExplorer . Learn more: Landsat...
Landsat Collections
LandsatLook images
What are LandsatLook images?
LandsatLook images are full-resolution .jpeg files that were included as options when downloading Landsat Level-1 data from EarthExplorer or GloVis . Landsat Collection 2 LandsatLook images are now called "Full Resolution Browse images". Download them from EarthExplorer as individual files for each Landsat 1 through Landsat 9 Level-1 scene. These are useful for simple visual interpretation without...
What are Landsat Collections?
In 2016, the USGS reorganized the Landsat archive into a tiered collection. This structure ensures that Landsat Level-1 products provide a consistent archive of known data quality to support time-series analyses and data “stacking”, while controlling continuous improvement of the archive and access to all data as they are acquired. Learn more: Landsat Collections Landsat Data Access
What are Landsat Collection 2 Full Resolution Browse Images?
Similar to Landsat Collection 1 LandsatLook Images , the Landsat Collection 2 Full Resolution Browse Images are .JPG and .TIF images with geographic referencing that are compressed and stretched to create an image optimized for image selection and visual interpretation. They are derived from Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 data and are available to download from EarthExplorer . Learn more: Landsat...