What is the probability that an earthquake will occur in the Los Angeles Area? In the San Francisco Bay area?
Los Angeles area:
Within the next 30 years the probability is:
- 60% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 6.7
- 46% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 7
- 31% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.5
will occur in the Los Angeles region.
San Francisco Bay area:
Within the next 30 years the probability is:
- 72% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 6.7
- 51% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 7
- 20% that an earthquake measuring magnitude 7.5
will occur in the San Francisco region.
Learn More: Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast 3
What is the USGS doing to mitigate and respond to earthquake hazards?
The U.S. Geological Survey performs the following functions related to earthquake hazard mitigation: Receives, analyzes, maintains, and distributes data on earthquake activity worldwide. Satellites link our National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado to a network of seismograph stations. These stations, located throughout the world, are maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey...
What is the USGS doing to mitigate and respond to earthquake hazards?
The U.S. Geological Survey performs the following functions related to earthquake hazard mitigation: Receives, analyzes, maintains, and distributes data on earthquake activity worldwide. Satellites link our National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colorado to a network of seismograph stations. These stations, located throughout the world, are maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey...