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The 3D National Topography Model (3DNTM) is an initiative that improves and integrates elevation and hydrography data to support the most demanding scientific requirements and enable data-driven decisions across user communities. The 3D Elevation Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee (3DE-FICC) provides executive governance to coordinate the acquisition, dissemination, and use of 3DNTM data. 

The past governance through the 3DEP Executive Forum has been successful in building partnerships and funding to advance the baseline goal for national lidar coverage (IfSAR in Alaska) through the commitment of key agencies. The National Landslides Preparedness Act (NLPA) enacted in 2021 established the 3DEP Federal Interagency Coordinating Committee (3DE-FICC) led by the Department of the Interior.  By codifying the governance into law, the NLPA provides an opportunity to increase the number of agencies engaging with the program.   

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