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CERC makes scientific data available to the public through the USGS ScienceBase catalog. Our most recent data releases are highlighted below.  If you need assistance in locating specific data, please contact the CERC Natural Resources Data Management Specialist or the CERC Librarian.

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Reproductive strategy, spawning induction, spawning temperatures and early life history of captive sicklefin chub Macrhybopsis meeki-Data

Macrhybopsis reproduction and propagule traits were studied in the laboratory using two temperature regimes and three hormone treatments and which methods produced the most spawns. Only sicklefin chub (M. meeki) spawned successfully although sturgeon chub (M. gelida) released unfertilized eggs. All temperature and hormone treatments produced M. meeki spawns, but two treatments had similar success

A comparison of four pore water sampling methods for mixed metals and dissolved organic carbon, and implications for toxicity evaluations-Data

These replicate data support the findings described in the publication, "A comparison of four pore water sampling methods for mixed metals and dissolved organic carbon, and implications for sediment toxicity evaluations" by Danielle Cleveland, William G. Brumbaugh, and Donald D. MacDonald (Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2017). The data represent comparison of four commonly-applied techniqu

Toxicity and chemistry data from an evaluation of metal-contaminated sediments from the Upper Columbia River, Washington, 2013-2014

This resource contains chemistry and toxicity data from sediment toxicity tests conducted by the USGS Columbia Environmental Research Center with 66 sediment samples collected from in and around the Upper Columbia River in the fall of 2013. Toxicity testing was conducted from fall 2013 through summer 2014 with the amphipod, Hyalella azteca, the midge Chironomus dilutus, and the mussel Lampsilis si

Data tables in support of manuscript "​δ13C and δ15N in the Endangered Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Lepidochelys kempii After the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill"

The Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill in April 2010 released 3.19 million barrels of MC252 crude oil into important foraging areas of the endangered Kemps ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempii; Lk) in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GoM). We measured delta-13 C and delta-15 N in scute biopsy samples from Lk that nested in Texas during 2010-12. Satellite-tracked Lk returned to traditional nor

Acute sensitivity of the vernal pool fairy shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi (Anostraca; Branchinectidae), and surrogate species to ten chemicals-Data

The vernal pool fairy shrimp, Branchinecta lynchi, (Branchiopoda; Anostraca) and other fairy shrimp species have been listed as threatened or endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act (ESA). There is little information about the sensitivity of Branchinecta spp. to toxic effects of contaminants, making it difficult to determine whether they are adequately protected by water quality

Quantifying habitat benefits of channel reconfigurations on a highly regulated river system, Lower Missouri River, USA-Data

Data set contains depth and velocity grids generated from hydrodynamic model (SRH-2D) simulations run for a range of discharges. Date range corresponds to month(s) that bathymetric survey was performed. Three study reaches were considered in this analysis: the Fairview reach of the Yellowstone River, MT, the Miami and Lisbon-Jameson reaches of the Lower Missouir River. Data and application are des

Amphibian acoustic data from the Arizona 1, Pinenut, and Canyon breccia pipe uranium mines in Arizona.

USGS is currently conducting biological surveys associated with uranium mines on federal lands in Arizona. These surveys include determining the composition of the local amphibian community at Canyon, Arizona 1, and Pinenut mines near the Grand Canyon. To aid in determining the amphibian species present at each mine site, we used acoustic monitoring recorded with a SM3Song Meter (Wildlife Acoustic

Microsomal EROD data of fish liver sample assay from species collected in the Salt and Gila Rivers, Arizona

This dataset includes microsomal EROD data from a liver sample assay. The samples are from several fish species that live in the Salt and Gila rivers, Arizona at sites that are being assessed for PBDE contamination. The data was created in September and October 2016.

Chemistry, radiation and histopathology data in support of manuscript "Pre-mining trace element and radiation exposture to biota from a breccia pipe uranium mine in the Grand Canyon (Arizona, USA) watershed"

The risks to wildlife and humans from uranium (U) mining to the Grand Canyon watershed are largely unknown. In addition to U, other co-occurring ore constituents contribute to risks to biological receptors depending on their toxicological profiles. This data was collected to characterize the pre-mining concentrations of total arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), nicke

Acoustic Doppler current profiler raw measurements on the Missouri and Yellowstone rivers, 2000-2016, Columbia Environmental Research Center

Between the years 2000 and 2016, scientists and technicians from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Columbia Environmental Research Center (CERC) have collected over 400 field-days worth of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements on the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers, primarily for the purposes of assessing physical aquatic habitat for the pallid sturgeon. Scientists and technicians

Evaluation of Chemical Control for Nonnative Crayfish at a Warm-water Fish Production Hatchery

Invasive crayfish are known to displace native crayfish species, alter aquatic habitat and community structure and function, and are serious pests for fish hatcheries. White River Crawfish (WRC; Procambarus acutus) were inadvertently introduced to a warm-water fish hatchery in Missouri, USA, possibly in an incoming fish shipment. We evaluated the use of chemical control for crayfish to ensure inco

Soil chemistry adjacent to roads treated with dust control products at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge

The health of soils along roadways is critical for maximizing habitat quality and minimizing negative ecological effects of roads. Adjacent to unpaved roads, soil chemistry may be altered by the deposition of dust, as well as by road treatment with dust suppressants or soil stabilizer products. If present in roadside soils, these product residues may be available to plants, terrestrial invertebrat