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Stratigraphic constraints on the timing and emplacement of the Alika 2 giant Hawaiian submarine landslide

Previous work has found evidence for giant tsunami waves that impacted the coasts of Lanai, Molokai and other southern Hawaiian Islands, tentatively dated at 100 + and 200 + ka by U-series methods on uplifted coral clasts. Seafloor imaging and related work off Hawaii Island has suggested the Alika phase 2 debris avalanche as the source of the ~ 100 ka "giant wave deposits", although its precise ag
Gary M. McMurtry, Emilio Herrero-Bervera, Maximilian D. Cremer, John R. Smith, Johanna Resig, Clark Sherman, Michael E. Torresan

Debris-flow deposition: Effects of pore-fluid pressure and friction concentrated at flow margins

Measurements of pore-fluid pressure and total bed-normal stress at the base of several ∼10 m3 experimental debris flows provide new insight into the process of debris-flow deposition. Pore-fluid pressures nearly sufficient to cause liquefaction were developed and maintained during flow mobilization and acceleration, persisted in debris-flow interiors during flow deceleration and deposition, and di
J. J. Major, R. M. Iverson

Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) in continental Asia

The regional hazard mapping for the whole Eastern Asia was coordinated by the SSB Regional Centre in Beijing, originating from the expansion of the test area initially established in the border region of China-India-Nepal-Myanmar- Bangla Dash, in coordination with the other Regional Centres (JIPE, Moscow, and AGSO, Canberra) and with the direct assistance of the USGS. All Eastern Asian countries h
Peizhen Zhang, Zhi-xian Yang, Harsh K. Gupta, Satish C. Bhatia, Kaye M. Shedlock

Debris-flow origin for the Simud/Tiu deposit on Mars

A late Hesperian smooth plains deposit on Mars interpreted as a debris flow extends more than 2000 km from Hydraotes Chaos, through Simud and Tiu Valles, and into Chryse Planitia. The Simud/Tiu deposit widens out to >1000 km and embays streamlined landforms and knobs made up of sedimentary and perhaps volcanic deposits that were carved by earlier channeling activity. Morphologic features of the Si
K. L. Tanaka

Relationships between peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, and Modified Mercalli Intensity in California

We have developed regression relationships between Modified Mercalli Intensity (Imm) and peak ground acceleration (PGA) and velocity (PGV) by comparing horizontal peak ground motions to observed intensities for eight significant California earthquakes. For the limited range of Modified Mercalli intensities (Imm), we find that for peak acceleration with V ≤ Imm ≤ VIII, Imm = 3.66 log(PGA) − 1.66, a
David J. Wald, Vincent Quitoriano, Thomas H. Heaton, Hiroo Kanamori

Slopewash, surface runoff and fine-litter transport in forest and landslide scars in humid-tropical steeplands, Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico

Rainfall, slopewash (the erosion of soil particles), surface runoff and fine-litter transport at humid-tropical steepland sites in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico (18??20' N, 65??45' W) were measured from 1991 to 1995. Hillslopes underlain by (1) Cretaceous tuffaceous sandstone and siltstone in subtropical rain (tabonuco) forest with vegetation recovering from Hurricane Hugo (1989),

M. C. Larsen, A. J. Torres-Sanchez, I.M. Concepcion

TriNet "ShakeMaps": Rapid generation of peak ground motion and intensity maps for earthquakes in southern California

Rapid (3-5 minutes) generation of maps of instrumental ground-motion and shaking intensity is accomplished through advances in real-time seismographic data acquisition combined with newly developed relationships between recorded ground-motion parameters and expected shaking intensity values. Estimation of shaking over the entire regional extent of southern California is obtained by the spatial int
David J. Wald, Vince Quitoriano, Thomas H. Heaton, Hiroo Kanamori, Craig Scrivner, C. Bruce Worden

How useful is landslide hazard information? Lessons learned in the San Francisco Bay region

Landslides, worldwide and in the United States, are arguably the most costly natural hazard. Substantial landslide information is available, but much of it remains underutilized, as a disconnect exists among geologists, decision makers, and the public. The lack of a national landslide insurance policy exacerbates this situation and promotes litigation as the principal recourse for recouping landsl
D. G. Howell, D.W. Ramsey, E. E. Brabb

El Nino 1997-98; damaging landslides in the San Francisco Bay area

No abstract available.
Lynn M. Highland, J. W. Godt, D. G. Howell, W. Z. Savage

Landslides triggered by the winter 1996-97 storms in the Puget Lowland, Washington

Snowmelt and rainfall events triggered many landslides and debris flows in the Seattle, Washington, area during late December 1996 and January and March 1997. Landslides caused the deaths of at least four people, millions of dollars in damage to public and private property, lost revenues, traffic diversions, and other direct and indirect losses. Although shallow slides and debris flows were the mo
Rex L. Baum, Alan F. Chleborad, Robert L. Schuster

History of movement of the Clear Creek Forks landslide, Clear Creek County, Colorado

No abstract available.
W. Z. Savage, J. A. Coe, D. J. Varnes, R. K. Streufert, J. W. Godt

Landslide Hazards in Glacial Lake Clays - Tully Valley, New York

At approximately midday on April 27, 1993, a large landslide occurred along the foot of Bare Mountain in LaFayette, Onondaga County, New York, about 12 miles south of Syracuse (figs. 1, 2). The slide moved rapidly east toward the middle of the Tully Valley and impacted approximately 50 acres of land, destroyed three homes, and resulted in the evacuation of four other homes. Debris from the slide,
Gerald F. Wieczorek, Dawit Negussey, William M. Kappel