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Publications from the staff of the Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center

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Recent tectonics of the Blanco Ridge, eastern blanco transform fault zone

Bathymetric, hydro-acoustic, seismic, submersible, and gravity data are used to investigate the active tectonics of the eastern Blanco Transform Fault Zone (BTFZ). The eastern BTFZ is dominated by the ∼150 km long transform-parallel Blanco Ridge (BR) which is a right-lateral strike-slip fault bordered to the east and west by the Gorda and Cascadia Depressions. Acoustic locations, fault-parameter i
Robert Dziak, C.G. Fox, R. Embley, J.L. Nabelek, Jochen Braunmiller, Randolph A. Koski

Geologic map and digital database of the Cougar Buttes 7.5' quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

The Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP) of Geologic Division has undertaken regional geologic mapping investigations in the Lucerne Valley area co-sponsored by the Mojave Water Agency and the San Bernardino National Forest. These investigations span the Lucerne Valley basin from the San Bernardino Mountains front northward to the basin axis on the Mojave Desert floor, and from the Ra
Robert E. Powell, Jonathan C. Matti, P. M. Cossette

Digital geologic map of the Butler Peak 7.5' quadrangle, San Bernardino County, California

Open-File Report 00-145, is a digital geologic map database of the Butler Peak 7.5' quadrangle that includes (1) ARC/INFO (Environmental Systems Research Institute) version 7.2.1 Patch 1 coverages, and associated tables, (2) a Portable Document Format (.pdf) file of the Description of Map Units, Correlation of Map Units chart, and an explanation of symbols used on the map, btlrpk_dcmu.pdf, (3) a P
Fred K. Miller, Jonathan C. Matti, Howard J. Brown, Digital preparation by P. M. Cossette

Revised age of the Rockland tephra, northern California: Implications for climate and stratigraphic reconstructions in the western United States: Comment

Lanphere et al. (1999) presented new data for the age of the Rockland pumice tuff breccia of Wilson (1961) using the incremental-heating 40Ar/39Ar technique. Their age, ∼610 ka, is ∼200 ka older than zircon fission-track ages obtained on this tuff by Meyer et al. (1980; 1991). Application of new 40Ar/39Ar technologies to tephrochronometry is an important advance that allows more precise dating of
Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki

New Mexico aggregate production sites, 1997-1999

This report presents data, including latitude and longitude, for aggregate sites in New Mexico that were believed to be active in the period 1997-1999. The data are presented in paper form in Part A of this report and as Microsoft Excel 97 and Data Interchange Format (DIF) files in Part B. The work was undertaken as part of the effort to update information for the National Atlas. This compilation
Greta J. Orris

New aeromagnetic data reveal large strike-slip (?) faults in the Northern Willamette Valley, Oregon

High-resolution aeromagnetic data from the northern Willamette Valley, Oregon, reveal large, northwest-striking faults buried beneath Quaternary basin sediments. Several faults known from geologic mapping are well defined by the data and appear to extend far beyond their mapped surface traces. The Mount Angel fault, the likely source of the Richter magnitude (M1) 5.6 earthquake in 1993, is at leas
Richard J. Blakely, Ray Wells, T.L. Tolan, M.H. Beeson, A.M. Trehu, L.M. Liberty

Forest clearing and regional landsliding

The influence of forest clearing on landsliding is central to long-standing concern over the effects of timber harvesting on slope stability. Here we document a strong topographic control on shallow landsliding by combining unique ground-based landslide surveys in an intensively monitored study area with digital terrain modeling using high-resolution laser altimetry and a coarser resolution region
D. R. Montgomery, K. M. Schmidt, H. M. Greenberg, W. E. Dietrich

Geologic datasets for weights of evidence analysis in northeast Washington: 1. Geologic raster data

This dataset contains the combination of geology data (geologic units, faults, folds, and dikes) from 6 1:100,000 scale digital coverages in eastern Washington (Chewelah, Colville, Omak, Oroville, Nespelem, Republic). The data was converted to an Arc grid in ArcView using the Spatial Analyst extension.
David E. Boleneus, J. Douglas Causey

Geophysical constraints on the Virgin River Depression, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona

Gravity and aeromagnetic data provide insights into the subsurface lithology and structure of the Virgin River Depression (VRD) of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. The gravity data indicate that the Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary deposits hide a complex pre-Cenozoic surface. A north-northwest-trending basement ridge separates the Mesquite and Mormon basins, as evidenced by seismic-reflection, gravi
Victoria E. Langenheim, J. M. Glen, R.C. Jachens, G. L. Dixon, T.C. Katzer, R. L. Morin

Age and paleoenvironmental significance of mega-invertebrates from the "San Pedro" Formation in the Coyote Hills, Fullerton and Buena Park, Orange County, Southern California

The "San Pedro" Formation in the Coyote Hills contains an invertebrate fossil as-semblage of 184 taxa from 158 localities. The fauna consists of two annelids, 174 mollusks (80 bivalves, 94 gastropods, and three scaphopods), five arthropods, and three echinoids, along with other minor constituents recognized by not specifically identified during the present study. These fossils are divided into thr
Charles L. Powell, Dave Stevens
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