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A message from Director Claudia Regan

Welcome to the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK), one of the nation’s key laboratories to study the ecosystems and species of the Northern Rockies. Since 2000, NOROCK scientists have been addressing issues important to people and communities including wildlife and fish conservation, ecosystem change in response to climate and land uses, and threats from disease and invasive spe

Welcome to the Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center (NOROCK), one of the nation’s key laboratories to study the ecosystems and species of the Northern Rockies.  Since 2000, NOROCK scientists have been addressing issues important to people and communities including wildlife and fish conservation, ecosystem change in response to climate and land uses, and threats from disease and invasive species.  We are honored to assist Federal and State land management agencies and our partners in Canada by providing rigorous data, scientific information, and science-based tools for natural resource management.  NOROCK scientists are national and international leaders in disease ecology, population biology, invasive species ecology, climate change science, large carnivore ecology, quantitative ecology, inland trout ecology, and mountain and prairie ecosystems. 

Please explore our website to learn more about NOROCK projects and products.  You can access our main navigation in the left hand menu.  And, feel free to contact me directly.  I’m happy to tell you about the work we do, hear about your information needs, and connect you with our scientists.


Claudia Regan, Center Director

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