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Northern Prairie produces objective, high-quality data that is relevant to decision-makers, resource managers, the scientific community, and the public. Information on all USGS datasets can be found at the USGS Science Data Catalog.

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Diurnal patterns of methane flux from a depressional, seasonal wetland

Data on diurnal variation in wetland methane flux were collected to 1) improve understanding of short-term, mechanistic drivers of methane flux, and 2) inform sampling protocols to achieve research objectives. An automated gas flux sampling system was used to measure methane flux every 2.5-4 hours for over 230 diel cycles over the course of three growing seasons (2013-2015). Data were collected fr

Effects of wind-energy facilities on breeding grassland bird distributions - data release

This data release contains breeding-bird densities in native mixed-grass prairie collected from 2003 to 2012 at and adjacent to wind farms in North and South Dakota, USA, for one year prior to turbine construction and several years post-construction. One dataset contains breeding-bird densities per 100 ha by distance from turbines for categories of 0-100 m, 100-200 m, 200-300 m, and greater than 3

Soil properties and greenhouse gas fluxes of Prairie Pothole Region wetlands: a comprehensive data release

This data release encompass numerous studies examining soil properties and greenhouse gas fluxes of Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) wetland catchments. The PPR is one of the largest wetland ecosystems in the world, encompassing approximately 770,000 square kilometers of the north-central U.S. and south-central Canada, with the U.S. portion including parts of Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakot

Map of whooping crane migration corridor

The whooping crane (Grus americana) is a listed endangered species in North America, protected under federal legislation in the United States and Canada. The only self-sustaining and wild population of Whooping Cranes nests at and near Wood Buffalo National Park near the provincial border of Northwest Territories and Alberta, Canada. Birds from this population migrate through the Great Plains of N

Spatial data for estimating whooping crane migration corridor

The whooping crane (Grus americana) is a bird species in North America currently protected under federal endangered species legislation in the United States and Canada. The only self-sustaining and wild population of whooping cranes nests in and around Wood Buffalo National Park near the provincial border of Northwest Territories and Alberta, Canada. Cranes from this population migrate through the

Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Amphibians

This data set contains counts of amphibians from monthly (April through September) sampling of wetlands at the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Statesman County, North Dakota.

Cottonwood Lake Study Area - Invertebrate Weights

This dataset contains aquatic macro-invertebrate sampling data (weights) for wetlands in the Cottonwood Lake Study Area, Stutsman County, North Dakota. This dataset is part of the Missouri Coteau Wetland Ecosystem Observatory database that is a collection of abiotic and biotic data documenting biotic and abiotic responses to long-term climate and land-use change in the Prairie Pothole Region (PPR)

Sandhill crane locations, autumn 2013 migration

Sandhill cranes are a long-lived bird species found in wetland-rich landscapes across North America. This dataset includes locations of 5 cranes during a single autumn migration from their breeding areas in northeastern Asia and south through Alaska, central Canada, and the Great Plains. The migration ends in northern Texas and northern Mexico. These data were used as a case study to highlight the

Using colony monitoring devices to evaluate the impacts of land use and forage quality on honey bee health datasets

Honey bee colonies located in 2 apiaries in North Dakota were fitted with two types of monitoring device: pollen traps and scales. Data were collected from devices periodically throughout the 2014 season (May-October). Data derived from pollen traps included: the total fresh weight of pollen collected, the percent crude protein content, the percent content of each amino acid, and DNA identificat

Modeling effects of crop production, energy development and conservation-grassland loss on avian habitat: dataset of BBS data, ND, with habitat rankings

This dataset is North American Breeding Bird Survey bird-count data for the routes and stops in North Dakota, USA, in which ten mixed-grass-prairie-endemic species occurred, as well as the mean habitat-quality ranking scores derived from applying the Habitat Quality Module of the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) to spatial layers for landuse/landcover from the Nati

Data from simulations of ecological and hydrologic response to climate change scenarios at Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota, 1901-2050

This data release contains data discussed in its larger work citation (Symstad et al., 2017, Climate Risk Management 17:78-91, Associated Item at right). "ClimateComparisonData.csv" contains summary metrics of six climate projections used as climate input for quantitative simulations of hydrologic and ecological responses to climate change at Wind Cave National Park (WCNP) and the same summary met

Fledging times of grassland birds in North Dakota and Minnesota

The data set provides information on the fledging times of passerine grassland birds. Data were collected from video surveillance of 70 nests of 9 bird species that nested in grasslands of Minnesota and North Dakota, USA. The data include year, unique nest number, species, date and time of fledging by nestling.