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Statistical summary of streamflow data for Indiana

Statistical analyses of daily mean discharge values collected at 229 Indiana streamflow-gaging stations are presented. For each station, data collected from the beginning of period of record through the 1985 water year were analyzed. Summaries include flow-duration, high-flow, and low-flow tables, and monthly and annual mean discharge. (USGS)
Donald V. Arvin

Annual maximum and minimum lake levels for Indiana, 1942-85

Indiana has many natural and manmade lakes. Lake-level data are available for 217 lakes. These data were collected during water years 1942-85 by use of staff gages and, more recently, continuous recorders. The period of record at each site ranges from 1 to 43 years. Data from the lake stations have been compiled, and maximum and minimum lake levels for each year of record are reported. In addition
Kathleen K. Fowler

Effects of agricultural irrigation on water resources in the St. Joseph River basin, Indiana, and implications for aquifer yield

During the past decade, the acreage of irrigated agricultural land in Indiana has tripled, causing public concern about competition for water and resulting in several State laws for regulating water withdrawals. The St. Joseph River basin represents less than one-tenth of the area of the State, but it contains one-third of the State 's irrigated land. Irrigated land in the basin is composed of per
J. G. Peters, D.E. Renn

Ground-water flow and quality beneath sewage-sludge lagoons, and a comparison with the ground-water quality beneath a sludge-amended landfill, Marion County, Indiana

The groundwater beneath eight sewage sludge lagoons, was studied to characterize the flow regime and to determine whether leachate had infiltrated into the glacio-fluvial sediments. Groundwater quality beneath the lagoons was compared with the groundwater quality beneath a landfill where sludge had been applied. The lagoons and landfills overlie outwash sand and gravel deposits separated by discon
K.E. Bobay

Evaluation of size-distribution effects and laboratory precision in the analysis of bottom materials

Bottom materials may be useful in evaluating areal and temporal changes in concentrations of certain chemical constituents in the overlying waters. They are particularly useful for detecting hydrophobic compounds that may be present in the stream waters at low concentrations or at intermittent intervals. The particle-size distribution in the bottom materials must be considered when areal or tempor
Dennis R. Helsel, G.F. Koltun

Description and comparison of selected models for hydrologic analysis of ground-water flow, St. Joseph River basin, Indiana

The Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is developing water-management policies designed to assess the effects of irrigation and other water uses on water supply in the basin. In support of this effort, the USGS, in cooperation with IDNR, began a study to evaluate appropriate methods for analyzing the effects of pumping on ground-water levels and streamflow in the basin 's glacial aquif
J. G. Peters

Streamflow and water quality of the Grand Calumet River, Lake County, Indiana, and Cook County, Illinois, October 1984

A diel (24-hour) water-quality survey was done to investigate the sources of dry-weather waste inputs attributable to other than permitted point-source effluent and to evaluate the waste-load assimilative capacity of the Grand Calumet River, Lake County, Indiana, and Cook County, Illinois, in October 1984. Flow in the Grand Calumet River consists almost entirely of municipal and industrial effluen
Charles G. Crawford, David J. Wangsness

Statistical analysis of surface-water-quality data in and near the coal-mining region of southwestern Indiana, 1957-80

The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 requires that applications for coal-mining permits contain information about the water quality of streams at and near a proposed mine. To meet this need for information, streamflow, specific conductance, pH, and concentrations of total alkalinity, sulfate, dissolved solids, suspended solids, total iron, and total manganese at 37 stations were
Jeffrey D. Martin, Charles G. Crawford

Method for estimating low-flow characteristics of ungaged streams in Indiana

Equations for estimating the 7-day, 2-year and 7-day, 10-year low flows at sites on ungaged streams are presented. Regression analysis was used to develop equations relating basin characteristics and low-flow characteristics at 82 gaging stations. Significant basin characteristics in the equations are contributing drainage area and flow-duration ratio, which is the 20-percent flow duration divided
Leslie D. Arihood, Dale R. Glatfelter

Influence of size-fractioning techniques on concentrations of selected trace metals in bottom materials from two streams in northeastern Ohio

Identical stream-bottom material samples, when fractioned to the same size by different techniques, may contain significantly different trace-metal concentrations. Precision of techniques also may differ, which could affect the ability to discriminate between size-fractioned bottom-material samples having different metal concentrations. Bottom-material samples fractioned to less than 0.020 millime
G. F. Koltun, Dennis R. Helsel