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USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center operates real-time data collection sites in Oklahoma and Texas for acquiring information on surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and precipitation. These sites provide real-time data via satellite, radio, cellphone communication, and enable public access to the data on the Web. 

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Continuous groundwater-level monitoring to support the development of a conceptual site model development at the Geneva Industries/Fuhrmann Energy Superfund Site, Houston, Texas, 2022–23

The Geneva Industries/Fuhrmann Energy Superfund Site in southeastern Houston, Texas was historically used as a site for petroleum exploration and petrochemical production and is currently (2023) inactive. Previous remedies to clean up the contaminated site included: excavation and off-site disposal of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soils, capping of residual water on-site with a...

Groundwater-Level Altitudes and Long-Term Groundwater-Level Changes in the Chicot and Evangeline (Undifferentiated) and Jasper Aquifers, Greater Houston area, Texas, 2022

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Harris‐Galveston Subsidence District, City of Houston, Fort Bend Subsidence District, Lone Star Groundwater Conservation District, and Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District produced this dataset of groundwater‐level altitudes and groundwater‐level altitude changes in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers (undifferentiated...

Depth to Groundwater Measured from Wells Completed in the Chicot and Evangeline (Undifferentiated) and Jasper Aquifers, Greater Houston Area, Texas, 2022

This dataset documents depth to groundwater measurements made from wells screened in the Chicot aquifer, Evangeline aquifer, Jasper aquifer, Burkeville confining unit, Catahoula confining unit, or a combination of these hydrogeologic units in the greater Houston area, Texas for 2022. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) prepared this dataset in cooperation with the Harris‐Galveston...

Groundwater-level altitudes and volatile and semi-volatile organic compound concentrations at the Petro-Chemical Systems, Inc. (Turtle Bayou) Superfund site, Liberty County, Texas, 2023

In 2023, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, collected groundwater-level altitude and water-quality data from monitoring wells at the Petro-Chemical Systems, Inc. (Turtle Bayou) Superfund Site in Liberty County, Texas. The data were collected to obtain information that could be used to provide an update on the status of groundwater...

Volatile organic compounds in passive soil gas, indoor air, and groundwater samples at the Triangle Chemical Company Superfund Site, Orange County, Texas, 2021-2023

The Triangle Chemical Company Superfund site, in Orange County, Texas, was a chemical mixing and blending facility in the 1970s. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), poor waste management practices resulted in soil and groundwater contamination and fish-kills in Coon Bayou (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023). The Five-Year Review of the Triangle Superfund Site...

MODFLOW-NWT model used in simulation of groundwater availability in reaches 3 and 4 of the Washita River aquifer, southern Oklahoma, 1980–2017

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), constructed a finite-difference numerical groundwater-flow model of the Washita River aquifer by using MODFLOW-2005 (Harbaugh, 2005) with the Newton formulation solver (MODFLOW-NWT). The 1973 Oklahoma Groundwater Law requires that the OWRB conduct hydrologic investigations of the State’s...

Estimated Annual Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area, by Stream Basin or Ungaged Area, 1934–2022

The Edwards aquifer in south-central Texas is one of the most permeable and productive aquifers in the United States and is the major source of public water supply for Bexar, Comal, Hays, Medina, and Uvalde Counties. The Edwards aquifer also supplies large quantities of water for use in agriculture, business, and industry in the region. The major artesian springs of the Edwards aquifer...

Estimated Annual Recharge to the Edwards Aquifer in the San Antonio Area, by Stream Basin or Ungaged Area, 1934–2021

The Edwards aquifer in south-central Texas is one of the most permeable and productive aquifers in the United States and is the major source of public water supply for Bexar, Comal, Hays, Medina, and Uvalde Counties. The Edwards aquifer also supplies large quantities of water to agriculture, business, and industry in the region. The major artesian springs of the Edwards aquifer provide...

Data for karst groundwater vulnerability determined by modeled age and residence time tracers

Groundwater samples collected from the Edwards aquifer in south-central Texas were analyzed for water-quality data to assess aquifer susceptibility to contaminants. Water-quality data included environmental tracers of groundwater age (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon-14, and radiogenic helium-4), calibrated to lumped parameter models (LPMs). Groundwater samples...

Geospatial and model dataset for flood-Inundation maps in a 10-mile reach of the Sabinal River and a 7-mile reach of the West Sabinal River near Utopia, Texas, 2021

This data release documents the digital data used to produce flood-inundation maps for a range of gage heights (stages) for the Sabinal River near Utopia, Tex. The simulated flood-inundation maps correspond to a range in stage from 11 to 28 feet (ft) at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgage 08197970 Sabinal River at Utopia, Tex. at intervals of 0.5-ft. The maps were created for a 10...

Visible and Near Infrared (VNIR) and Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) Spectra of Select Rock Cores and Waste Material from Nine Uranium Mine Sites in Karnes and Live Oak Counties, Texas

These data represent laboratory reflectance measurements conducted on a suite of sandstone, tuffaceous mudstone and claystone rocks and sediment, which are known host and source materials for roll front Uranium deposits mined throughout the South Texas Coastal Plains. Visible through Near Infrared through Shortwave Infrared (~0.4 - 2.5 microns) reflectance were measured using an...

Estimation of hydraulic properties in the Ogallala aquifer near Happy, Texas from slug test results at the North East 2nd Street Superfund site, U.S. Geological Survey data release

The North East 2nd Street Superfund site in Happy, Texas, overlies a groundwater plume of primarily carbon tetrachloride (CT) that is contained within an upper transmissive zone (EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., 2019) of the Ogallala aquifer. The Ogallala aquifer is contained at the site in Tertiary-age sediments of the Ogallala Formation, which are described by Nordstrom...
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