Coral reefs act like submerged breakwaters by breaking waves and dissipating their energy offshore before they flood coastal properties and communities. This is an enormously valuable function: In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria alone caused over $265 billion in damage across the nation.
Reef Resource Assessments - Planning for the Future
We are mapping and assessing all of the important geologic and oceanographic factors to identify those coral reefs most at risk and those reefs that are potentially the most resilient and the most likely to recover from natural and human-driven impacts.
The Problem
Coral reefs are facing increasing stress from global climate change combined with local stresses from over-fishing, sedimentation, and other sources of land-based pollution. Considering the potential for these stressors to increase the rate of coral reef degradation to dire levels, coral reef scientists and managers world-wide are shifting emphasis from prevention towards identifying the key mechanisms controlling reef resiliency and determining where coral reefs will be the most viable in the future. Thus far, the scientific community has mostly focused on the biologic indicators of resiliency, such as coral cover, species diversity, and fish populations. The parameters that influence the health and sustainability of coral reefs are diverse and include changes in watersheds, coastal development, stream discharge, coastal circulation, wave stresses, and larval pathways. They also include potential natural processes that can potentially reduce stress (such as upwelling; internal wave mixing; submarine groundwater discharge). Identifying coral reef areas that have the highest potential for survival requires a cross-cutting assessment of all of the salient geographic, geologic, ecologic, and oceanographic factors. Less than half of the US National Parks and US Wildlife Refuges that contain coral reef resources have high-resolution assessments of their coral reefs. How does an agency manage today or predict what will happen under climate change when they don't know what resources they have or their current status? Furthermore, scientists and resource managers have noted that less than 1% of the U.S.’s coral reefs are fully protected, and that to preserve US coral reefs, a network of marine refuges must be established.
Our Approach
This comprises two distinct but interrelated efforts. First, we are conducting site-specific, high-resolution, benthic habitat mapping to support management of Department of the Interior areas (National Park Service park units, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service refuges). The second effort is building on our expertise in benthic habitat mapping, watershed analysis, coastal circulation, sediment dynamics, submarine groundwater discharge, and numerical modeling to develop a comprehensive evaluation of US coral reefs. We are assessing all of the important geologic and oceanographic factors to identify those reefs most at risk and those reefs that are potentially the most resilient and the most likely to recover from an extreme event. The data produced through these efforts are being incorporated into multi-layered, interactive GIS databases for use by the scientific and management community overseeing US coral reefs.
Caption for large photo, top of page: Geo-referenced underwater image of Porites species corals imaged by a digital-towed camera system during a ground-truthing cruise in Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawaiʻi.
Please also see the associated efforts on the Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST) Project website:
Learn more about our related studies.
Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST)
Measuring Coral Growth to Help Restore Reefs
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Model parameter input files to compare the influence of channels in fringing coral reefs on alongshore variations in wave-driven runup along the shoreline
Model parameter input files to compare locations of coral reef restoration on different reef profiles to reduce coastal flooding
Cross-reef wave and water level data from coral reef environments (ver. 3.0, January 2024)
Database to model three-dimensional flow over coral reef spur-and-groove morphology
Modeled effects of depth and semidiurnal temperature fluctuations on predictions of year that coral reef locations reach annual severe bleaching for various global climate model projections
Coral reef profiles for wave-runup prediction
Model parameter input files to compare wave-averaged versus wave-resolving XBeach coastal flooding models for coral reef-lined coasts
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods, with and without coral reefs, for the States of Hawaii and Florida, the Territories of Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
HyCReWW database: A hybrid coral reef wave and water level metamodel
Coral reefs act like submerged breakwaters by breaking waves and dissipating their energy offshore before they flood coastal properties and communities. This is an enormously valuable function: In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria alone caused over $265 billion in damage across the nation.
Below are publications associated with this project.
A numerical study of geomorphic and oceanographic controls on wave-driven runup on fringing reefs with shore-normal channels
Action plan for restoration of coral reef coastal protection services: Case study example and workbook
Rebounds, regresses, and recovery: A 15-year study of the coral reef community at Pila‘a, Kaua‘i after decades of natural and anthropogenic stress events
Online-coupling of widely-ranged timescales to model coral reef development
Wave-driven flood-forecasting on reef-lined coasts early warning system (WaveFoRCE)
Role of future reef growth on morphological response of coral reef islands to sea-level rise
Nearshore water quality and coral health indicators along the west coast of the Island of Hawaiʻi, 2010–2014
Spectral wave-driven bedload transport across a coral reef flat/lagoon complex
Internal tides can provide thermal refugia that will buffer some coral reefs from future global warming
The major coral reefs of Maui Nui, Hawai‘i—distribution, physical characteristics, oceanographic controls, and environmental threats
Modeling fine-scale coral larval dispersal and interisland connectivity to help designate mutually-supporting coral reef marine protected areas: Insights from Maui Nui, Hawaii
Baseline assessments for coral reef community structure and demographics on West Maui
We are mapping and assessing all of the important geologic and oceanographic factors to identify those coral reefs most at risk and those reefs that are potentially the most resilient and the most likely to recover from natural and human-driven impacts.
The Problem
Coral reefs are facing increasing stress from global climate change combined with local stresses from over-fishing, sedimentation, and other sources of land-based pollution. Considering the potential for these stressors to increase the rate of coral reef degradation to dire levels, coral reef scientists and managers world-wide are shifting emphasis from prevention towards identifying the key mechanisms controlling reef resiliency and determining where coral reefs will be the most viable in the future. Thus far, the scientific community has mostly focused on the biologic indicators of resiliency, such as coral cover, species diversity, and fish populations. The parameters that influence the health and sustainability of coral reefs are diverse and include changes in watersheds, coastal development, stream discharge, coastal circulation, wave stresses, and larval pathways. They also include potential natural processes that can potentially reduce stress (such as upwelling; internal wave mixing; submarine groundwater discharge). Identifying coral reef areas that have the highest potential for survival requires a cross-cutting assessment of all of the salient geographic, geologic, ecologic, and oceanographic factors. Less than half of the US National Parks and US Wildlife Refuges that contain coral reef resources have high-resolution assessments of their coral reefs. How does an agency manage today or predict what will happen under climate change when they don't know what resources they have or their current status? Furthermore, scientists and resource managers have noted that less than 1% of the U.S.’s coral reefs are fully protected, and that to preserve US coral reefs, a network of marine refuges must be established.
Our Approach
This comprises two distinct but interrelated efforts. First, we are conducting site-specific, high-resolution, benthic habitat mapping to support management of Department of the Interior areas (National Park Service park units, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service refuges). The second effort is building on our expertise in benthic habitat mapping, watershed analysis, coastal circulation, sediment dynamics, submarine groundwater discharge, and numerical modeling to develop a comprehensive evaluation of US coral reefs. We are assessing all of the important geologic and oceanographic factors to identify those reefs most at risk and those reefs that are potentially the most resilient and the most likely to recover from an extreme event. The data produced through these efforts are being incorporated into multi-layered, interactive GIS databases for use by the scientific and management community overseeing US coral reefs.
Caption for large photo, top of page: Geo-referenced underwater image of Porites species corals imaged by a digital-towed camera system during a ground-truthing cruise in Kaloko-Honokōhau National Historical Park, Hawaiʻi.
Please also see the associated efforts on the Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST) Project website:
Learn more about our related studies.
Coral Reef Ecosystem Studies (CREST)
Measuring Coral Growth to Help Restore Reefs
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Model parameter input files to compare the influence of channels in fringing coral reefs on alongshore variations in wave-driven runup along the shoreline
Model parameter input files to compare locations of coral reef restoration on different reef profiles to reduce coastal flooding
Cross-reef wave and water level data from coral reef environments (ver. 3.0, January 2024)
Database to model three-dimensional flow over coral reef spur-and-groove morphology
Modeled effects of depth and semidiurnal temperature fluctuations on predictions of year that coral reef locations reach annual severe bleaching for various global climate model projections
Coral reef profiles for wave-runup prediction
Model parameter input files to compare wave-averaged versus wave-resolving XBeach coastal flooding models for coral reef-lined coasts
Projected flooding extents and depths based on 10-, 50-, 100-, and 500-year wave-energy return periods, with and without coral reefs, for the States of Hawaii and Florida, the Territories of Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,
HyCReWW database: A hybrid coral reef wave and water level metamodel
Coral reefs act like submerged breakwaters by breaking waves and dissipating their energy offshore before they flood coastal properties and communities. This is an enormously valuable function: In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria alone caused over $265 billion in damage across the nation.
Coral reefs act like submerged breakwaters by breaking waves and dissipating their energy offshore before they flood coastal properties and communities. This is an enormously valuable function: In 2017, Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria alone caused over $265 billion in damage across the nation.
Below are publications associated with this project.