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SPCMSC scientist interviewed for story about using Landsat to study coastal wetlands

SPCMSC geologist Julie Bernier was interviewed for an outreach story, "Keeping an Eye on Vulnerable Coastal Wetlands," that was released by the Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center.

Landsat 5 imagery Assateague Island
Landsat 5 imagery classification based on (A) radiometrically corrected image, (B) unsupervised classification to identify water areas, and (C) seven classes (water, wet marsh, marsh, forested, mixed vegetation, vegetated bare earth, and bare earth). The enlargement shows (D) sample classifications and (E) line features. (Public domain.)

Earlier this spring, Bernier was interviewed by Jane Lawson, who is involved with an EROS outreach effort to help explain to the public how remote sensing, especially Landsat, is being used to benefit society. The story discusses the importance of coastal wetlands and their vulnerability to storms and climate change as well as the type of information that can be derived from Landsat and other remote sensing data. Lawson decided to spotlight coastal wetlands after becoming familiar with work conducted by SPCMSC scientists as part of the Hurricane Sandy Response - Barrier Island and Estuarine Wetland Physical Change Assessment project while doing research for a recent USGS Fact Sheet ("Maryland and Landsat"). In particular, Lawson was interested in learning more about research conducted by Bernier and others to map wetland change using Landsat satellite imagery, with emphasis on wetland losses that occurred at Assateague Island after Hurricane Sandy. 

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