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The USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center investigates processes in coastal and marine environments and their societal implications related to natural hazards, resource sustainability, and environmental change.

At the St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center, we:

  • Develop decision-support products for resource management, environmental restoration, and coastal hazard preparation and response;
  • Link our knowledge of physical, chemical, biological, geologic processes with societal needs to develop holistic understanding of different environments;
  • Study oceanographic, environmental, and climatic drivers of change in coastal and marine ecosystems;
  • Study sediment dynamics and the topographic and bathymetric responses to natural drivers and human influence;
  • Study environmental microbiological processes and assess impacts on public and environmental health;
  • Develop new technologies for collection and interpretation of earth science data;
  • Share our data and tools with partners and the public; and
  • Maintain facilities and equipment for field operations and data acquisition.


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