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Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center Publications

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Comparison of aquatic macroinvertebrate samples collected using different field methods

Government agencies, academic institutions, and volunteer monitoring groups in the State of Wisconsin collect aquatic macroinvertebrate data to assess water quality. Sampling methods differ among agencies, reflecting the differences in the sampling objectives of each agency. Lack of infor- mation about data comparability impedes data shar- ing among agencies, which can result in duplicated samplin
Bernard N. Lenz, Michael A. Miller

Benthic invertebrates of benchmark streams in agricultural areas of eastern Wisconsin — Western Lake Michigan drainages

This study describes the benthic invertebrate communities of 20 benchmark streams in agricultural areas of eastern Wisconsin. Streams with minimal adverse effects from human activity were selected from four agricultural areas with differing surficial deposits and bedrock types (relatively homogeneous units, or RHU's). Most aquatic invertebrate orders were well represented in the 20 benchmark strea
S. J. Rheaume, B. N. Lenz, B. C. Scudder

Sampling design for assessing water quality of the Red River of the North basin, Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota, 1993-1995

This map report describes the sampling design for a comprehensive regional assessment of water quality in the Red River of the North Basin, a study unit under the U.S. Geological Survey’s National Water-Quality Assessment Program. The sampling design was developed to address questions about the presence, distribution, and loads of nutrients and pesticides associated with large agricultural regions
D. L. Lorenz, J.D. Stoner

Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the upper Minnesota River basin, west-central Minnesota, northeastern South Dakota and southeastern North Dakota

Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points on streams in the Upper Minnesota River Basin, located in west-central Minnesota, north-eastern South Dakota, and southeastern North Dakota, are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the
Christopher A. Sanocki

Physical characteristics of stream subbasins in the Cottonwood River basin, southwestern Minnesota

Data that describe the physical characteristics of stream subbasins upstream from selected points on streams in the Cottonwood River Basin, located in southwestern Minnesota, are presented in this report. The physical characteristics are the drainage area of the subbasin, the percentage area of the subbasin covered only by lakes, the percentage area of the subbasin covered by both lakes and wetlan
Christopher A. Sanocki

Relation of fracture orientation to linear terrain features, anisotropic transmissivity, and seepage to streams in the karst Prairie du Chien Group, southeastern Minnesota

Ground-water flow in the karst-terrane aquifers of southeastern Minnesota is not well defined. Variable fracture patterns in the bedrock affect permeability. Techniques to predict the effects of fracture patterns on ground-water flow in the karst-terrane aquifers of southeastern Minnesota are unavailable. The use of such techniques may be useful to officials responsible for the management and prot
J. F. Ruhl

Hydrogeology and ground-water flow of the drift and Platteville aquifer system, St. Louis Park, Minnesota

Three aquifers and two confining units have been delineated within the drift underlying the area near the site of a former coal-tar distillation and wood-preserving plant in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. The hydrogeologic units of the drift, in descending order, are the upper drift aquifer, the upper drift confining unit, the middle drift aquifer, the lower drift confining unit. and the lower drift a
R. J. Lindgren

Pesticide amounts are small in streams in the Red River of the North Basin, 1993-94

Pesticides are used extensively in the largely agricultural Red River of the North (Red River) Basin, but, unlike many other agricultural basins, only small amounts are routinely detected in samples from streams in the basin. The pesticides detected comprise less than 2 percent of the amount applied and usually are at concentrations far less than established drinking water standards. Most of the d
L. H. Tornes, Mark E. Brigham

The distribution of Vallisneria americana seeds and seedling light requirements in the Upper Mississippi River

Vallisneria americana declined in backwaters of the Upper Mississippi River, U.S.A., after a drought in 1988. To determine whether viable seeds of V. americana occurred in the seed bank of navigation pool 7, Lake Onalaska, the upper 5 cm of sediment was collected from 103 sites in May 1990. These sediment samples were kept in pots at a depth of 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 m in an outdoor pond for 12 weeks. 
A. Kimber, Arnold G. van der Valk, Carl E. Korschgen

Aquatic communities and contaminants in fish from streams of the Red River of the North basin, Minnesota and North Dakota

Available data on the ecology of aquatic organisms in the Red River of the North Basin, a study unit of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment program, were collated from numerous sources. Lack of information for invertebrates and algae precluded a general summary of distribution and ecology throughout the basin. Data on fish species distributions in the major streams of th
R. M. Goldstein