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Below, you can find our stand alone data releases. For contemporary articles and their associated data, please visit our publications tab. We include tools that were developed to streamline analysis using different mediums. For further information, please contact authors.

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Influence of microhabitat characteristics on sage-grouse nest site selection and nest survival depends on ecological site potential

We examined nest survival of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) in relation to fine-scale habitat patterns that influenced nest site selection, using data from nests of telemetered females at 17 sites across 6 years in Nevada and northeastern California, USA. Importantly, sites spanned mesic and xeric average precipitation conditions and concomitant vegetation

Ecological and Disease Data for Induced Immune Responses and Antibody Levels for Mycoplasma spp. in Captive and Wild Mojave Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii)

This product consists of multiple tabular datasets and associated metadata for clinical status, gene transcripts, and lab results related to presence of Mycoplasma spp. in desert reptiles. To better understand immune responses to pathogenic infections, we conducted an experiment to quantify innate and induced immune responses using gene transcript profiles and measured induced antibody levels for

Survival Data for Translocated Adults and Captive-Reared Juvenile Giant Gartersnakes in Sacramento County, California (2018-2021)

The dataset consists of two csv files one for adult snakes and one for captive-reared juvenile snakes. The data contains start times (when snakes entered the study) and end times (when snakes died or were censored from the study) for survival analysis. The data also contains general information about the individual snakes (id, snout-vent length, treatment group, whether or not they were translocat

Field Studies of Ceanothus leucodermis Chaparral Burned Sites in California

Populations of the chaparral shrub were sampled in southern California and further north in Monterey and Santa Clara counties and it was discovered that postfire regeneration modes were different. The southern California populations had substantial resprouting with some seedling recruitment. The Monterey populations had no resprouting ability and recovery was entirely by seedlings. However, there

Multi-State Occurrence Data and Predictors for Amphibians in Yosemite National Park (2007-2021)

These data include field-collected observations of the occurrence of adult and larval amphibians at 174 sites in 14 watersheds at Yosemite National Park from 2007 through 2021. Also included in the data are potential variables affecting site occurrence, probability of reproduction, and probability of detection of amphibians, including static site-specific variables like site size and elevation, an

Trends and a Targeted Annual Warning System for Greater Sage-Grouse in the Western United States (ver. 3.0, February 2024)

Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) are at the center of state and national land use policies largely because of their unique life-history traits as an ecological indicator for health of sagebrush ecosystems. These data represent an updated population trend analysis and Targeted Annual Warning System (TAWS) for state and federal land and wildlife managers to use best-available science

Vegetation Height in Open Space in San Diego County, Derived from 2014 NAIP Imagery and 2014/2015 Lidar

Shrublands have seen large changes over time due to factors such as fire and drought. As the climate continues to change, vegetation monitoring at the county scale is essential to identify large-scale changes and to develop sampling designs for field-based vegetation studies. This dataset contains two raster files that each depict the height of vegetation. The first layer is restricted to actively

Median Estimates of Impact Potential from Geothermal Energy Production Activities on Greater Sage-Grouse Populations in Nevada and California (2022)

These data are the result of an intersection between a surface representing the delta-finite rate of population change and another surface representing Greater Sage-grouse abundance and space-use. It was used to rank candidate sites according to greatest potential impact to Greater Sage-grouse populations resulting from the presence of geothermal energy activity. In 2022, candidate geothermal site

Selection and Survival of Greater Sage-Grouse Broods in Mesic Areas of Long Valley, California (2003 - 2018)

We evaluated brood-rearing habitat selection and brood survival of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus; hereafter, sage-grouse) in Long Valley, California, an area where the water rights are primarily owned by the city of Los Angeles and water is used locally to irrigate for livestock. This area thus represents a unique balance between the needs of wildlife and people that could increas

Fire Regimes in the Mojave Desert (1972-2010)

This U.S. Geological Survey data release consists of 3 raster datasets representing estimates of probability of ignition (ProbIgnitPredict.tif), fire frequency (FrequencyPredictRF.tif), and burn severity (dNBRPredictRF.tif) in the Mojave Desert from 1984 to 2010. The data include: (1) A shapefile of the Mojave Desert that was used as our study area boundary (MojaveEcoregion_TNS_UTM83.shp). The ori

Data to Fit an Occupancy Model to Trapping Data for the Northwestern Pond Turtle and Red-Eared Slider in the Sacramento Valley (2018) and Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (2019)

These data represent the results of trapping efforts for native northwestern pond turtles (Actinemys marmorata) and non-native red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans) in wetlands and irrigation canals in agricultural regions of the Sacramento Valley in 2018 and the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in 2019. In addition to detection data for these two turtle species, the dataset includes hab

Rangewide Occupancy and Post-Fire Recovery of California Gnatcatchers in Southern California

This project has two goals: Goal 1: The goal of this project is to conduct a statistically rigorous study of occupancy to determine the post-fire recovery of gnatcatchers and coastal sage scrub vegetation with the goal of informing management before, during, and after fire. Goal 2: The goal of this project is to conduct rangewide surveys to determine California Gnatcatcher occupancy at a regional
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