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The long-term viability of species and populations is related to their potential to migrate, reproduce, and adapt to environmental changes. In the southeast United States, USGS WARC scientists provide resource managers with genetic information to improve the long-term survival and sustainability of the nation's aquatic species. Research focused on native and imperiled species can assess the genetic factors influencing their survival and recovery, while work on invasive species can provide information on their extent, dispersal, and potential impacts on native species.
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A Rapid CRISPR-based Field Test for the Non-invasive Detection of the Fungal Causative Agent of White-nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome has killed more than five million bats since its discovery in 2006. USGS is developing a non-invasive and user-friendly CRISPR white-nose syndrome biosensor to allow for quick detection of the pathogen that causes the disease.

A Rapid CRISPR-based Field Test for the Non-invasive Detection of the Fungal Causative Agent of White-nose Syndrome

White-nose syndrome has killed more than five million bats since its discovery in 2006. USGS is developing a non-invasive and user-friendly CRISPR white-nose syndrome biosensor to allow for quick detection of the pathogen that causes the disease.
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Development and Implementation of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Tools to Aid Listing and Recovery Efforts for Imperiled and Common Freshwater Mussels

Researchers will develop and optimize an eDNA assay to delineate the current distribution of P. inflatus . The assay will then be used to provide up-to-date distributional information and detection rates for P. inflatus in the Pearl River basin.

Development and Implementation of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Tools to Aid Listing and Recovery Efforts for Imperiled and Common Freshwater Mussels

Researchers will develop and optimize an eDNA assay to delineate the current distribution of P. inflatus . The assay will then be used to provide up-to-date distributional information and detection rates for P. inflatus in the Pearl River basin.
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Health Effects and Behavioral Response of Florida Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) to Persistent Algal Bloom and Associated Loss of Seagrass Resources in Brevard County, Florida

USGS researchers are working with partners to assess the health and foraging behavior of Florida manatees in the northern Indian River Lagoon and Banana River, areas that have experienced declining seagrasses due to an extended phytoplankton bloom.

Health Effects and Behavioral Response of Florida Manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) to Persistent Algal Bloom and Associated Loss of Seagrass Resources in Brevard County, Florida

USGS researchers are working with partners to assess the health and foraging behavior of Florida manatees in the northern Indian River Lagoon and Banana River, areas that have experienced declining seagrasses due to an extended phytoplankton bloom.
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Using Molecular Tools to Recalibrate Freshwater Mussel Taxonomy with a Focus on Imperiled Species

Freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, also known as naiads, pearly mussels, freshwater clams, or unionids, are a diverse group of bivalve mollusks that are distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Approximately 300 species are known from the United States, with most of this diversity residing in rivers of the Southeast where many endemic taxa have evolved.

Using Molecular Tools to Recalibrate Freshwater Mussel Taxonomy with a Focus on Imperiled Species

Freshwater mussels of the family Unionidae, also known as naiads, pearly mussels, freshwater clams, or unionids, are a diverse group of bivalve mollusks that are distributed on every continent except Antarctica. Approximately 300 species are known from the United States, with most of this diversity residing in rivers of the Southeast where many endemic taxa have evolved.
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A Website Tool for Predicting Triploidy in Larval Fish Spawns

Differentiating diploids from triploids at the earliest life stage possible allows for a more efficient use of resources including production time and rearing space. Thus, a reliable flow cytometric (FCM) method has been developed to discriminate triploids from diploids at the larval stage. In order to help simplify the process of differentiating triploids from diploids, we propose a simple...

A Website Tool for Predicting Triploidy in Larval Fish Spawns

Differentiating diploids from triploids at the earliest life stage possible allows for a more efficient use of resources including production time and rearing space. Thus, a reliable flow cytometric (FCM) method has been developed to discriminate triploids from diploids at the larval stage. In order to help simplify the process of differentiating triploids from diploids, we propose a simple...
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West Indian Manatee Population Genetics

Nuclear microsatellite markers have been developed and implemented on ~2,000 West Indian manatees. These markers provide individual genetic fingerprints for mark-recapture studies, population structure information for the conservation of unique or isolated populations, and pedigree and relatedness information for addressing inbreeding and breeding structure patterns.

West Indian Manatee Population Genetics

Nuclear microsatellite markers have been developed and implemented on ~2,000 West Indian manatees. These markers provide individual genetic fingerprints for mark-recapture studies, population structure information for the conservation of unique or isolated populations, and pedigree and relatedness information for addressing inbreeding and breeding structure patterns.
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Manatee Health Assessment and Biomedical Studies

A multi-agency effort assesses the health of manatees and provides baseline information on their health, reproductive status, and nutritional condition.

Manatee Health Assessment and Biomedical Studies

A multi-agency effort assesses the health of manatees and provides baseline information on their health, reproductive status, and nutritional condition.
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Statistical Models for the Design and Analysis of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys of Invasive and Imperiled Species

Detecting invasive species at low densities or prior to population establishment is critical for successful control and eradication. For example, Burmese pythons occupy thousands of square kilometers of mostly inaccessible habitats.

Statistical Models for the Design and Analysis of Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys of Invasive and Imperiled Species

Detecting invasive species at low densities or prior to population establishment is critical for successful control and eradication. For example, Burmese pythons occupy thousands of square kilometers of mostly inaccessible habitats.
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Flow Cytometry Applied to the Animal Kingdom in Studies of Natural Resource Science

Flow cytometry is a technique for rapidly analyzing large numbers of animal cells using light-scattering, fluorescence, and absorbance measurements.

Flow Cytometry Applied to the Animal Kingdom in Studies of Natural Resource Science

Flow cytometry is a technique for rapidly analyzing large numbers of animal cells using light-scattering, fluorescence, and absorbance measurements.
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Developing a Largemouth Bass Hybrid Strain for Mapping Genome Linkage

The largemouth bass is a highly managed sport fish. Detailed genetic information on the fish at the gene level can provide researchers insight into genomic control of phenotypic expression of life-history traits, core physiological functions, and other aspects of biology.

Developing a Largemouth Bass Hybrid Strain for Mapping Genome Linkage

The largemouth bass is a highly managed sport fish. Detailed genetic information on the fish at the gene level can provide researchers insight into genomic control of phenotypic expression of life-history traits, core physiological functions, and other aspects of biology.
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Determining the Ploidy and Resultant Reproductive Capability of Artificially Spawned and Wild Caught Asian Carp

The invasive grass carp and black carp are artificially spawned to produce triploids, which means they have three sets of chromosomes and are sterile. WARC scientists invented an early ploidy prediction process for produced fry, and a post-mortem assessment method for carp caught either in the wild or sold and hauled live to other states.

Determining the Ploidy and Resultant Reproductive Capability of Artificially Spawned and Wild Caught Asian Carp

The invasive grass carp and black carp are artificially spawned to produce triploids, which means they have three sets of chromosomes and are sterile. WARC scientists invented an early ploidy prediction process for produced fry, and a post-mortem assessment method for carp caught either in the wild or sold and hauled live to other states.
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Asian Tiger Shrimp Distribution and Genetics

The Asian tiger shrimp began appearing in commercial shrimp catches in 2006. They grow larger than native shrimp and are known to be fierce predators - so shrimpers and managers are concerned about the potential effects this species might have.

Asian Tiger Shrimp Distribution and Genetics

The Asian tiger shrimp began appearing in commercial shrimp catches in 2006. They grow larger than native shrimp and are known to be fierce predators - so shrimpers and managers are concerned about the potential effects this species might have.
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