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Extended Continental Shelf Physical Samples

The U.S. Geological Survey is the designated repository for U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) physical samples collected for the ECS project and coordinates all outside sample requests.

The priority for geologic samples collected as part of the U.S. Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Project is their application to delineating the U.S. ECS, however the U.S. ECS Task Force recognizes the important scientific value of these samples and encourages their study and open publication of scientific findings.

Geologic samples are archived at the USGS Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center samples repository. Policy for sample request and analysis, as well as data collection and distribution can be found in the ECS Data, Publications, and Physical Samples Policy and Procedures documentation.

Physical Samples recovered on ECS Cruises

Cruise ID Platform Year ECS Region Samples Collected
HLY0805 (HE0805) Healy  2008 Arctic  7 dredges
HLY0905 (HE0905) Healy  2009 Arctic  5 dredges
HLY1002 (H-3-10-AR) Healy  2010 Arctic  11 cores
MGL1111 (L-11-11-BS) Marcus G. Langseth 2011 Bering Sea  4 CTD cores
HLY1202 Healy  2012 Arctic  5 dredges
View all ECS cruise data 
Image: Closing In
The Canadian Coast Guard Ship Louis S. St-Laurent makes an approach to the Coast Guard Cutter Healy in the Arctic Ocean Sept. 5, 2009. The two ships are taking part in a multi-year, multi-agency Arctic survey that will help define the Arctic continental shelf.
R/V Marcus G. Langseth entering NY Harbor
R/V Marcus G. Langseth entering NY Harbor


Request Samples: 

Report on and Return Samples: 

ECS Samples Metadata Resources: 


Science crew aboard R/V Marcus G. Langseth.
Science crew aboard R/V Marcus G. Langseth
Image: Healy Crew Members in the Arctic
The entire science group and U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy crew during a 2008 scientific expedition to map the Arctic seafloor.


Send requests, reports, and return samples: 

ECS Samples Curator 

U.S. Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal & Marine Science Center 

384 Woods Hole Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543 


Send data, publications, and other information: 

ECS Data Manager 

NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information 

E/NE42, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305 


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