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Hiring, Recruitment, and Staffing

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Special Appointment Types and Other Information

Temporary vs. Term Appointments

Provides a comparison chart outlining the differences between temporary and term appointments.

Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA)

Intergovernmental Personnel Act Mobility Program

Provides for the temporary assignment of personnel between the Federal Government and state and local governments, colleges and universities, Indian tribal governments, federally funded research and development centers, and other eligible organizations.

Superior Qualifications Appointments

Advanced in Hiring Rate Appointments and Request Form

The Office of Human Resources has recently updated guidance on making Superior Qualifications Appointments within the USGS. The  authority to approve these types of appointments has been delegated to division/office officials as provided for in SM 205, Chapter 1, Appendix B.

USGS Guidance on Term Appointments

Provides guidance on the use of the term appointing authority and explains management's responsibility for certifying that the appointing authority is used appropriately.

Pre-Employment Medical Examination Procedures

Guidance on the operational procedures for a pre-employment medical examination.

USGS Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program

A program designed to provide highly motivated recent Ph.D. graduates with the opportunity to conduct concentrated research in association with selected USGS Scientists.

Hiring Freeze Guidance

Guidance for the Hiring Freeze put into place in January 2003 and updated September 2003.

Information for Merit Promotion Panel Members

Serving as a panel member or a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on a Merit Promotion Panel? Then this information is for you.

Position Designation Questionnaire

Supervisors are required to complete this form when requesting the establishment of a new position (new hire, reassignment, promotion, conversion, etc) or redescription of duties.


USGS Pathways Programs

Employment opportunities for Students and Recent Graduates


Volunteer for Science Program

USGS Volunteer for Science Handbook

The complete handbook for providing contact information and program guidance for the USGS Volunteer Program. Includes the Individual Volunteer Services Agreement OF-301A (Rev 2010) and the Emergency Care for Minors Form available separately below.

Volunteer for Science Q&A

Information for supervisors and volunteer coordinators on common issues associated with volunteers in the USGS.

Submitting New Volunteer Opportunities

USGS Volunteer for Science Program Memo

Downloadable forms:

  • Form OF301A: Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resources Agencies (for Individuals or Groups) — Used to document the acceptance of volunteer services. Visit Webforms to access this form.


Interviewing and Reference Checks

Interviewing Guidelines

Need to do an interview? Here's how you do it.

Past Employment / Academic Training Checks

Here's how you do reference checks, and how to respond when someone asks you for a reference. Also check out:


Travel and Transportation Expenses

August 20, 1999 Memo

Memo establishing USGS policy on determining when Travel and Transportation Expenses are authorized for new and transferred employees. Also see the DOI policy memo for more information.



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