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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Effect of dieldrin and Aroclor 1242 on Japanese quail eggshell thickness

No abstract available.
E. F. Hill, R.G. Heath, J.D. Williams

Sexual maturation and productivity of Japanese quail fed graded concentrations of mercuric chloride

Japanese quail (Coturnix c. japonica) were fed 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 p.p.m. Hg as mercuric chloride (HgCl2) from the time of hatching up to the age of 1 year. None of the birds manifested any gross signs of mercury poisioning. Food consumption, growth rate, and weight maintenance were unaffected. Initial oviposition tended to occur at a younger age as dietary mercuric chloride increased, e.g., th
E. F. Hill, C.S. Shaffner

The effects of orchard pesticide applications on breeding robins

From 1966 through 1968, robins reproduced successfully in commercial apple orchards which were periodically sprayed with DDT, dieldrin, and other pesticides. Observations by a Z-man team using walkie-talkies revealed that breeding robins obtained essentially all food for themselves and nestlings from unsprayed areas adjacent to the orchards. Invertebrate trapping in sprayed and unsprayed areas sho
E.V. Johnson, G.L. Mack, D.Q. Thompson

Some characteristics of fall migration of female woodcock

Nine female woodcock (Philohela minor) were radio-tagged in central Pennsylvania before fall migration to monitor premigratory and migratory movements. Within 15 days of departure, 5 of the birds moved 0.8 to 8.0 km from their normally used area, but the remaining 4 did not move. In 1973 five marked woodcock began migration between 30 November and 8 December. In 1974, four birds departed between
R.A. Coon, P.D. Caldwell, G.L. Storm

White-tailed deer migration and its role in wolf predation

Seventeen white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) were radio-tagged in winter yards and tracked for up to 17 months each (881 locations) from January 1973 through August 1974 in the central Superior National Forest of NE Minnesota following a drastic decline in deer numbers. Ten vyolves (Canis lupus) from 7 packs in the same area were radiotracked before and/or during the same period (703 loca
R.L. Hoskinson, L. D. Mech

Aging immature mourning doves by primary feather molt

No abstract available.
G.H. Haas, S.R. Amend

Woodcock use of clearcut aspen areas in Wisconsin

Clearcut areas in northern Wisconsin aspen (Populus spp., mostly P. tremuloides) forests were highly attractive to woodcock (Philohela minor) for feeding and night-roosting, and made excellent sites for woodcock trapping and banding. Woodcock use of clearcuts was extended for several years by annually removing vegetation from trails with a bulldozer. A continued high demand for aspen pulpwood ma
J.B. Hale, L.E. Gregg

Population ecology of the mallard: VI. The effect of exploitation on survival

No abstract available.
David R. Anderson, Kenneth P. Burnham

Parasites and diseases of warmwater fishes

No abstract available.
Fred P. Meyer, Glenn L. Hoffman

An assessment of estuarine and nearshore marine environments

No abstract available.
M.P. Lynch, B.L. Laird, N.B. Theberge, J.C. Jones

A reward band study of mallards to estimate band reporting rates

Reward bands ($10) were placed on 2,122 hatching-year mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and an additional 11,490 received conventional bands (controls) to estimate band reporting rates. An analysis of band recoveries indicated that the reporting rate was dependent primarily upon three factors: (1) the distance banded birds were recovered from the banding site, (2) band collecting activities of conse
C. J. Henny, K.P. Burnham

Organochlorine residues in females and nursing young of the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus)

Carcasses and brains of 18 big brown bats from Gaithersburg, Maryland, were analyzed for residues of organochlorine insecticides and PCB's. Eleven bats were adult females, and six of these had seven nursing young associated with them....Young bats resembled their parents in microgram amounts of PCB and DDE present in carcasses. However, concentrations of chemicals (expressed as ppm) were significa
D. R. Clark, T. G. Lamont
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