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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Relationships between chemical structure and rat repellency. II. Compounds screened between 1950 and 1960

Over 4,600 compounds, chiefly organic types, were evaluated using both a food acceptance test (Part A) and a barrier penetration bioassay (Part B), to correlate relationships between chemical structure and rodent repellency.These chemicals are indexed and classified according to the functional groups present and to the degree of substitution within their molecular structures. The results of reduct
W.A. Bowles, V. A. Adomaitis, J.B. DeWitt, J.J. Pratt

New concepts regarding the production of waterfowl and other game birds in areas of diversified agriculture

Many concepts regarding breeding ecology of waterfowl and the influences of environmental factors on annual production have changed in the past 20 years. These influences are especially pronounced in the prairie region of central North America where agriculture becomes more intensive each year. The principal task assigned to this Research Center when established in 1965 was to determine the relati
H.K. Nelson, H. F. Duebbert

The sea lamprey and its control

Abstract not submitted to date
R. Saalfeld, J.H. Howell

Movement of drugs across the gills of fishes

Abstract not submitted to date
J. B. Hunn, J. L. Allen

Mammals and birds

No abstract available.
J. C. Bartonek, R. Elsner, F.H. Fay

An experimental trap net fishery, Lake Oahe, South Dakota, 1965

Large trap nets were evaluated as a commercial gear for capturing buffalo fish during July-September 1965. During the 72-day fishing period, 13,171 fish weighing 21,669 kg were taken. Bigmouth buffalo (Ictiobus cyprinellus) and smallmouth buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) dominated the catch (78.2% by weight). Eight sport species accounted for 3.6% of the total catch. Both 7.0-cm and 12.7-cm mesh (extend
James A. Gabel

Invertebrate macrobenthos of Lake Oahe, 1968-69

The benthos in Lake Oahe, as determined from about 450 bottom samples collected during the open water season in 1968 and 1969, was dominated by oligochaetes and chironomids; Caenis (Ephemeroptera) and Chaoborus (Diptera) were occasionally abundant. Total benthos was estimated at 3,600 organisms/mA? with an ash-free dry weight of about 2.2 g/mA? (about 33 kg/hectare dry weight). Estimated biomass w
William E. Jones, James H. Selgeby

The marshes of Tiohero

Abstract has not been submitted
L.M. Cowardin

Monitoring mourning dove production via wing surveys in southeastern Pennsylvania

No abstract available.
L.S. Hoffman, D.E. Sheffer, J.S. Lindzey

Some helminth parasites of the American bald eagle

Bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) found dead or moribund in the United States and Canada and submitted to Patuxent Wildlife Research Center were examined for helminth parasites. Nine genera of helminths were reported which include new host records for Clinostomum complanatum, Neogogatea pandionis, Centrorhynchus sp., Serratospiculum amaculata, Capillaria contorta, and Habronema americanum.
A.A. Kocan, L. N. Locke
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