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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Progress report on the North American Breeding Bird Survey

The Breeding Bird Survey has been monitoring bird population changes in the U.S.A. and Canada since 1966. Each cooperator makes 50 3-minute stops at 0.8-km intervals along randomly selected roadside routes in 4 to 4 1/2 hours on one morning in June of each year. Data from the 1500 to 1600 routes are entered on magnetic tape, edited for accuracy, and then used for statistical analysis of population
C.S. Robbins, W.T. Van Velzen

The new town bird quadrille

No abstract available.
A. D. Geis

Salmonellosis in a captive heron colony

Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella typhimurium was one of several factors responsible for losses among young herons being held at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center. The infection was demonstrated in five black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax), three common egrets (Casmerodius albus), two little blue herons (Florida caerulea), one cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis), one snowy egret (Leuco
L. N. Locke, H. M. Ohlendorf, R.B. Shillinger, T. Jareed

Breeding red-winged blackbirds in captivity

Ability to establish and maintain self-sustaining breeding colonies of captive Red-winged Blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) would facilitate long-term studies designed to develop methods for alleviating blackbird depredations as well as provide basic life history data. To be most useful, the colonies should be established in pens near laboratory facilities; this frequently involves putting colonies
C.J. Know, A.R. Stickley

Trichomoniasis in the Hawaiian barred dove

Two barred doves found in the south Kona district of the island of Hawaii were diagnosed as having trichomoniasis on the basis of gross and microscopic lesions. This brings the confirmed list of columbid species susceptible to natural trichomoniasis to four and is the first report of the disease from columbids in the Hawaiian Islands.
R. M. Kocan, W. Banko

Relations of the brown pelican to certain environmental pollutants

Nearly all brown pelican eggs collected from 13 colonies in South Carolina, Florida, and California in 1969 and from 17 colonies in South Carolina and Florida in 1970 exhibited eggshell thinning. Of the 100 eggs analyzed for residues of pollutants, all eggs contained measurable quantities of DDE; most eggs contained measurable quantities of p,p'-DDD, p,p'-DDT, dieldrin, or PCB's (polychlorinated b
L. J. Blus, A. A. Belisle, R. M. Prouty

Chlorinated hydrocarbon and mercury residues in woodcock in the United States, 1970-71

During Late 1970 and early 1971, 229 woodcock (Philohela minor) were collected from 23 Eastern and Midwestern States. Analyses for chlorinated hydrocarbons and mercury in these migratory birds showed generally low levels which are not considered dangerous to human consumers. In this survey, Louisiana woodcock had lower residues of heptachlor epoxide and DDE than those tested in a 1965 survey.
D. R. Clark, M. A. R. McLane

Effects of dietary mercury and lead on eggshell thickness in mallards

No abstract available. 
M. A. Haegele, R. K. Tucker, R. H. Hudson

Nationwide organochlorine and mercury residues in wings of adult mallard and black ducks during the 1969-70 hunting season

Nationwide monitoring of organochlorine and mercury residues in wings of approximately 5,200 adult mallards and black (ducks bagged during the 1969-70 hunting season showed DDE, as in 1965 and 1966, to be the predominant residue. PCB's were next in overall prevalence, followed by mercury, DDT, dieldrin, DDD, and heptachlor epoxide. There was no indication of a decrease in levels from 1966. Resi
R.G. Heath, S.A. Hill

Polychlorinated biphenyl toxicity to Japanese quail as related to degree of chlorination

To learn if the percentage of chlorine in a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) alone determines toxicity, Japanese quail were fed diets containing Aroelor 1248, 1254, or 1260 at levels that added equal amounts of chlorine to the feed. The experiment comprised two consecutive 5-day periods; three sublethal concentrations of chlorine were evaluated during the first period and three lethal
E. F. Hill, R.G. Heath, J. W. Spann, J.D. Williams

Avian eggshell thickness: Variability and sampling

Measurements of shell thickness of the eggs of five species were subjected to nested analyses of variance. The analyses separated variation into two or three levels for which variances and percentages of the total variation were derived. The results show that differences among measurements of the same egg contribute little to the sample variance whereas differences among eggs within clutches contr
E. E. Klaas, H. M. Ohlendorf, R.G. Heath

Residues of organochlorine pesticides, mercury, and PCB's in mourning doves from eastern United States--1970-71

Mourning dove (Zenaidura macroura) breast muscle samples from birds collected in 1970-71 from Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Florida were found to contain residues of DDT, DDE, DDD, polychlorinated biphenyls, dieldrin, mirex, mercury, and heptachlor epoxide in amo
J.F. Kreitzer
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