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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic residues in starlings--1971

No abstract available.
William E. Martin, Paul R. Nickerson

Stress of formalin treatment in juvenile spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri)

The physiological stress of 200 ppm formalin treatments at 10 C is more severe in the juvenile steelhead trout (Salmo gairdneri) than in the spring chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). In the steelhead, a marked hypochloremia follows a 1-hr treatment and recovery requires about 24 hr. During longer treatments, hypercholesterolemia together with reduced regulatory precision, hypercortisolemia
Gary Wedemeyer, W. T. Yasutake

Tests of pesticidal synergism with young pheasants and Japanese quail

Thirteen pairs of chemicals involving 18 pesticides and two polychlorinated biphenyl preparations were each fed for 5 days to Japanese quail or ring-necked pheasant chicks 7 to 16 days of age. Malathion + EPN, and malathion + trichlorofon were moderately synergistic in tests with both species, whereas joint toxicities of the other chemicals tended to be additive. Comparisons with other studies of
J.F. Kreitzer, J. W. Spann

Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in black duck eggs from the United States and Canada--1971

Black duck (Anas rubripes) eggs were collected in 1971 from the Northeastern United States and Canada. All 61 eggs analyzed contained DDE residues; the mean DDE residues for States and Provinces ranged from 0.09 to 5.94 ppm on a wet-weight basis, with.mean concentrations exceeding 1.0 ppm in eggs from Maine, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. The highest DDE concentration, 14.0 ppm, was in an egg
J. R. Longcore, B. M. Mulhern

Territorial behavior, pesticides, and the population ecology of red-shouldered hawks in central Maryland, 1943-1971

A breeding population of red—shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) along the Patuxent River in central Maryland was studied during the interval 1943—71. Numbers of breeding pairs remained unchanged or increased on the PWRC (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center) and an adjoining area where habibat was not altered. A reduction in breeding pairs occurred on the third study area where large portions of the h
Charles J. Henny, F. C. Schmid, Elwood M. Martin, L. L. Hood

Effects of exploitation, environmental changes, and new species on the fish habitats and resources of Lake Erie

No other lake as large as Lake Erie (surface area, 25,690 km2) has been subjected to such extensive changes in the drainage basin, the lake environment, and the fish populations over the last 150 years. Deforestation and prairie burning led to erosion of the watershed and siltation of valuable spawning grounds. Marsh spawning areas were drained. Lake-to-river spawning migrations of sturgeon, walle
Wilbur L. Hartman

Chemical stability of preserved oligotrophic water samples

Tests were conducted to determine whether changes that may occur in the chemical characteristics of stored oligotrophic waters collected on 15 sites in northeastern Minnesota were affected by chloroforming. Chloroform was added on site to one of each pair of samples to stabilize the organic content of the water by preventing biological decomposition. The samples were subsequently stored at 25 deg.
V. A. Adomaitis, J.A. Shoesmith, G.A. Swanson

Studies of reptiles in Rock Valley

No abstract available at this time
F.B. Turner, P.A. Medica, D.D. Smith

A preliminary classification of wetland plant communities in north-central Minnesota

A classification of wetland plant communities was developed for a study area in north-central Minnesota in order to analyze data on waterfowl use of habitat that were gathered by radio telemetry. The classification employs features of several earlier classifications in addition to new classes for bogs and lakeshore communities. Brief descriptions are given for each community, and the important pla
L.M. Cowardin, D. H. Johnson

Lake Michigan: Man's effects on native fish stocks and other biota

Man's activities have caused great changes in Lake Michigan in the past 120 years. Although changes in water chemistry and lower biota have been generally modest (except locally), those in native fish stocks have been vast. Exploitation, exotic fish species, and eutrophication and other forms of pollution all have played a role in bringing about the changes (mostly declines in abundance) in fish p
LaRue Wells, Alberton L. McLain

Unharvested fishes in the U. S. commercial fishery of western Lake Erie in 1969

Potential commercial fish production was estimated for U.S. waters of western Lake Erie in 1969 from pounds landed and pounds discarded. Periodic observations of catches in haul seines and trap nets revealed that about 37% of the catch (by weight) in haul seines and 26% of that in trap nets were low-value fishes that were discarded. Projection of these discarded catches to include the total fishin
Harry D. Van Meter
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