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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Ecological implications of water levels on plant growth in a shallow water reservoir

Abstract has not been submitted
R.S. Hestand, B.E. May, D.P. Schultz, C.R. Walker

The effects of methyltestosterone on sex reversal in bluegill

Small impoundments stocked with bluegill often become overcrowded with small, undesirable fish. This problem would be prevented if it were possible to stock only one sex, but sexing of small bluegill is difficult and unreliable. Monosex broods in Oryzias latipes [3], Tilapia mossambica [1], and Carassius auratus [5] can be produced by using sperm from sex-reversed genotypic females to fertilize eg
L.E. Chew, J.G. Stanley

Snowy owl predation on lapland longspur nestlings recorded on film

 During the summer of 1971 I investigated the breeding biology of the Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus, near Barrow, Alaska. To obtain data on incubation and feeding patterns of nesting longspurs, time-lapse cameras (Minolta Autopak-8 D6 super-8 movie cameras equipped with an Intervalometer-P time-lapse device) were positioned at several nests throughout the nesting season with an exposure i
T. W. Custer

Land use and prairie grouse population relationships in North Dakota

The relationship between prairie grouse and land use was studied during the period 1964-71. Prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido) declined from 48 males in 1964 to none in 1971. Sharp-tailed grouse (Pedioecetes phasianellus) declined from 166 males in 1964 to 57 in 1971. These declines were related to the decline in vigor and eventual loss of Soil Bank habitat on the study area. Two new courtship
L.M. Kirsch, A.T. Klett, H.W. Miller

Collars for raccoons

Abstract has not been submitted
E. Fritzell

Maternal nesting behaviour by male mallards

Abstract has not been submitted
C.W. Dane, W. Steffen, P. Caldwell

Waterfowl investigators bug ducks

Abstract has not been submitted
D.S. Gilmer, T.J. Dwyer, S.R. Derrickson

A method to determine waterfowl shooting distances

Long-range shooting at ducks and geese frequently results in a high crippling loss, unretrieved birds and frustrated hunters. A principal problem has been the general inability of hunters or observers to properly judge distance of birds. This paper describes a reasonably accurate method developed to determine shooting distances to geese. Two observers utilized transit-mounted 4X hunting scopes to
D.A. Davenport, G.A. Sherwood, H. W. Murdy

Analysis of radiotracking data using digitized habitat maps

A method is described that provides a rapid and accurate analysis of habitat used by radio-equipped animals. The digitizer (basically an X-Y plotter in reverse) converts maps into digital form by describing each habitat unit as a polygon that closely approximates the actual shape of the unit. The coordinates of each polygon are then stored on magnetic tape. Habitat classification data and other in
D.S. Gilmer, S.E. Miller, L.M. Cowardin

Thirty-seventh breeding bird census - mixed prairie

Abstract has not been submitted
D. H. Johnson, G.L. Krapu
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