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This list of publications includes peer-review journal articles, official USGS publications series, reports and more authored by scientists in the Ecosystems Mission Area. A database of all USGS publications, with advanced search features, can be accessed at the USGS Publications Warehouse.  

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Plumage investigations of Colorado band-tailed pigeons

No abstract available.
J.A. White, C.E. Braun

Recoveries of royal terns banded in Virginia. Part I. The Caribbean

No abstract available.
W.T. Van Velzen, R.D. Benedict

Pesticide mortality of young white-faced ibis in Texas

The combination of the symptoms observed in sick and dying birds and the high brain residues in the three birds collected dying, as well as in two of the four collected dead, implicate dieldrin as at least one of the causes of mortality of young ibis at the Lavaca Bay colony. Mercury residues in the kidneys of all four dead young, including those with low brain residues of dieldrin, suggest that b
Edward L. Flickinger, D. L. Meeker

Effect of Hygromycin-B on pigeons (Columba livia) with and without Trichomonas gallinae

Hygromycin-B was administered in varied quantities to pigeons harboring nonvirulent Trichomonas gallinae and to pigeons free of T. gallinae. Both groups responded identically with large yellow caseous lesions in the upper digestive tract which superficially resembled canker (trichomoniasis). No mycotic association with the lesions could be established in either .group from sections stained with
R. M. Kocan

Some physiologic blood values of wild diving ducks

Blood samples were obtained from 54 canvasbacks (Aythya valisineria), 30 lesser scaup (A. affinis), 3 ring-necks (A. collaris), and 3 buffleheads (Bucephala albeola), which were wintering on Chesapeake Bay. These blood samples were used for: red blood cell counts (cans. 2.56 x 106/mm3; scaup 2.45 x 106/mm3; ring-necks 2.50 x 106mm3; buffiehead 2.64 x lO6/mm3), packed cell volume (cans. 52.2%; sca
R. M. Kocan

Immunologic status of mourning doves following an epizootic of trichomoniasis

An epizootic of trichomoniasis in mourning doves at the Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge began in 1969 and continued into 1970. The disease was seen in 16% of the adults and 2% of the immatures in 1970, but only one immature bird out of 37 surveyed (3%) carried Trichomonas gallinae. Challenge infection of 33 doves from the epizootic area showed 85 percent to be resistant to trichomoni
R. M. Kocan, S.R. Amend

Avian cholera in a bald eagle from Ohio

No abstract available.
L. N. Locke, J.A. Newman, B. M. Mulhern
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