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USGS Trail Data Portal Testing

Volunteers needed for Trail Data Portal testing!

The USGS Trail Data Portal is a web application that streamlines trail data submission and integration into the USGS nationwide trail dataset. Keep in mind that we are currently managing over 50 individual trail data sources and we expect that number to go up.

Each trail dataset must be converted to a standard set of attributes or schema. The Trail Data Portal prompts data owners to crosswalk or “map” their data attributes into the USGS schema. Furthermore, the application helps provide an internal workflow for data quality reviews, enables feedback back to data providers, and provides automated reminders for data updates.

The Trail Data Portal has been released for limited external user testing and feedback. We are looking for additional volunteers to test the application. Volunteers should have a sample public domain trail dataset containing at least 50 miles of trails that can use for testing. The time commitment is about 2-4 hours depending on the complexity of your dataset. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at


NDT Fall 2023 Trail Data Portal Image
Screenshot of the welcome screen for the USGS Trail Data Portal application and used for NDT Fall 2023 newsletter