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Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)

Known in the cage bird trade as the Japanese Hill-Robin, Peking Robin, or Peking Nightingale, the Red-billed Leiothrix was first imported into the Hawaiian Islands in 1911 ( Fisher and Baldwin 1947 ), with intentional releases to the wild occurring after 1918 ( Caum 1933 ). A native of Southeast Asia, southern China, and the Himalayan regions of India, this species is a medium-sized, green and yel
Timothy D. Male, Steven G. Fancy, C. John Ralph

Age and sex identification of Akohekohe

We present methods to determine the age and sex of Akohekohe (Palmeria dolei), an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, developed on the basis of 45 museum specimens and 91 live birds captured on the island of Maui. Akohekohe retained all Juvenal primaries, some Juvenal secondaries, and some body feathers after the first prebasic molt; they attained full adult plumage after the second prebasic molt. R
John C. Simon, T.K. Pratt, Kim E. Berlin, James R. Kowalsky

An evaluation of the rust fungus Gymnoconia nitensas a potential biological control agent for alien Rubus species in Hawaii

The rust fungus Gymnoconia nitens infects blackberry (Rubus argutus) systemically in regions of the continental United States, producing bright yellow–orange masses of spores on newly developing floricanes during springtime. In tests to determine the suitability of this rust as a biological control agent for R. penetransin Hawaii, a species now thought to be conspecific with R. argutus,rooted cutt
D.E. Gardner, C.S. Hodges, E. Killgore, R. C. Anderson

Evidence of Newell's Shearwater breeding in Puna District, Hawaii

Nocturnal surveys using auditory cues and night-vision equipment were conducted during the seabird breeding season in 1993 to determine use of inland areas in the Puna District, Hawaii by Newell's Shearwater (Puffinus auricularus newelli). Two hundred sixty Newell's Shearwater auditory or visual detections were made during 275 survey hours from 23 Jul. 1993 - 20 Sep. 1993. Mean detection rates wer
Michelle H. Reynolds, George L. Ritchotte

Kauai's endangered solitaires: Update on population status and distribution 1996

The puaioihi (Myadestes palmeri) and the kamao (M. myadestinus) are endangered solitaires endemic to Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands and now restricted to the Alakai Swamp. The puaiohi has been rare historically with population estimates declining since the first population surveys 1968-73. Puaiohi were believed to be on the verge of extinction with population estimates less than 35 birds since 1981
Michelle H. Reynolds, Thomas J. Snetsinger, Christina M. Herrmann

Introduced species: A significant component of human-caused global change

Biological invasions are a widespread and significant component of human-caused global environmental change. The extent of invasions of oceanic islands, and their consequences for native biological diversity, have long been recognized. However, invasions of continental regions also are substantial. For example, more than 2,000 species of alien plants are established in the continental United State
Peter M. Vitousek, Carla M. D'Antonio, Lloyd L. Loope, Marcel Rejmanek, Randy G. Westbrooks

Status, ecology, and management of the invasive plant, Miconia calvescens DC (Melastomataceae) in the Hawaiian islands

Miconia calvescens (Melastomataceae), native to montane forests of the neotropics, has now invaded wet forests of both the Society and Hawaiian Islands. This tree, which grows up to 15 m tall, is potentially the most invasive and damaging weed of rainforests of Pacific islands. In moist conditions, it grows rapidly, tolerates shade, and produces abundant seed that is effectively dispersed by birds
Arthur C. Medieros, Lloyd L. Loope, P. Conant, S. McElvaney

Status and management of the PaliIa, an endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper, 1987-1996

No abstract available.
Thane K. Pratt, Paul C. Banko, Steven G. Fancy, Gerald D. Lindsey, James D. Jacobi

Apapane (Himatione sanguinea)

The 'Apapane is the most abundant species of Hawaiian honeycreeper and is perhaps best known for its wide-ranging flights in search of localized blooms of ō'hi'a (Metrosideros polymorpha) flowers, its primary food source. 'Apapane are common in mesic and wet forests above 1,000 m elevation on the islands of Hawai'i, Maui, and Kaua'i; locally common at higher elevations on O'ahu; and rare or absent
Steven G. Fancy, C. John Ralph

Iiwi (Vestiaria coccinea)

The ‘I‘iwi is one of the most spectacular of extant Hawaiian birds, with vermilion plumage, black wings and tail, and long, decurved bill. In pre-European Hawai‘i, beautiful feather capes, sometimes containing hundreds of thousands of ‘I‘iwi feathers, were a symbol of power and prestige among native Hawaiians. The ‘I‘iwi is a bird of the Hawaiian forests. Its decurved bill seems well adapted to ex
Steven G. Fancy, C. John Ralph

Snaring to control feral pigs sus scrofa in a remote Hawaiian rain forest

Feral pig Sus scrofa control in Kipahulu Valley, a remote rain forest in Haleakala National Park, Maui, Hawaiian Islands, has been achieved with snares over a 45-month period. Initial pig densities in fenced management units of 6·2 km2 and 7·8 km2were estimated at 6 animals/km2 and 14·3 animals/km2 for the two units, based on population reconstruction from animals killed and aged. During the 45 mo
Stephen J. Anderson, Charles P. Stone

Status and population trends of Hawaii's native waterbirds, 1977-1987

Status and population trends of Hawaiis ’ native waterbirds were examined from 1977 through 1987. Waterbird population fluctuations were analyzed in relation to rainfall and land use dynamics. Numbers of Hawaiian Duck (Koloa) (Anus wyvilliana) and Hawaiian Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus sandvicensis) appeared stable over time; however, surveys were limited. Increase in Black-crowned Night-Her
Andrew Engilis, Thane K. Pratt