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Missouri River 2011 Regional Sand Floodplain

This is a polygon coverage of sand deposits from the 2011 Missouri River flood. The polygon coverages were compiled from classification of 26 multispectral SPOT (Systme Pour lObservation de la Terre) 4 and 5 satellite images colleted during October and November, 2011. The dataset covers 1,298 km of the Missouri River valley bottom from Gavins Point Dam in South Dakota to the confluence with the Mi

Radionuclide and Pesticide data for sediment age and source analysis in the Midwest Stream-Quality Assessment Region (2013-2014)

A study examining the sources and ages of fine-grained bed material (less than 0.063 mm) was conducted for 99 sites in the USGS NAWQA Midwest Stream Quality Assessment (MSQA) during the summer of 2014, including 15 suspended sediment and 5 cropland top soil samples. Bed material samples were analyzed for radionuclides (7Be, 210Pbex, 137Cs) and pesticides (bifenthrin and DDE); suspended sediment fo

Total Phosphorus Load and Ancillary Data Related to Sources of Total Phosphorus in the Red River of the North Basin

The Red River of the North (Red River) transports phosphorus from North Dakota, Minnesota, and South Dakota, to Manitoba, Canada, and eventually into Lake Winnipeg. Phosphorus load (or flux) is the amount of total phosphorus (TP) transported by the Red River. The effect of TP load on water quality is a concern, especially with respect to downstream eutrophication issues in Lake Winnipeg, Manitob

Larus Gull Microsatellite DNA Data, 2006-2009

This data set describes nuclear microsatellite genotypes derived from eleven autosomal loci (Hg16, Hg18, Hg25, K16, Lar12, Lar19, Lar24, Lar26, Rbg13, Rbg18, and Rbg29). A total of 651 Larus gulls were examined for this study with samples collected throughout North America, Europe, Russia, and South America.

Waterfowl Counts and Wildfire Burn Data from the Western Boreal Forest of North America, 1955-2014

The project utilized data from the Waterfowl Breeding Population and Habitat Survey, which is an annual survey conducted since 1955 by the governments of the United States and Canada to monitor waterfowl populations. These survey data were spatially and temporally layered onto long-term databases of fire perimeters for Alaska and western Canada, providing a record of waterfowl transects which had

Oceanographic and Water Quality Measurements in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland/Virginia, 2014 - 2015

This web page provides access to oceanographic, meteorological, and water quality observations made at fourteen locations in Chincoteague Bay as part of the Estuarine Physical Response to Storms (EPR) program. The primary objective was to measure the physical response of the system to storm events, and identify processes that may affect estuarine resilience. Bottom landing platforms with instrumen

Wave projections for United States mainland coasts

Coastal managers and ocean engineers rely heavily on projected average and extreme wave conditions for planning and design purposes, but when working on a local or regional scale, are faced with much uncertainty as changes in the global climate impart spatially-varying trends. Future storm conditions are likely to evolve in a fashion that is unlike past conditions and is ultimately dependent on th

Location, sampling methods and field conditions of response-mode soil and sediment sampling stations sampled, Sediment-Bound Contaminant Resiliency and Response Strategy pilot study, northeastern United States, 2015

Coastal communities are uniquely vulnerable to sea-level rise (SLR) and severe storms such as hurricanes. These events enhance the dispersion and concentration of natural and anthropogenic chemicals and pathogenic microorganisms that could adversely affect the health and resilience of coastal communities and ecosystems in coming years. The U.S. Geological Survey has developed the Sediment-Bound Co

Flow management for hydropower extirpates aquatic insects, undermining river food websData

Two unique datasets were gathered to document whether flow management for hydropower affects the abundance and diversity of aquatic insect assemblages. The first dataset was collected in Grand Canyon from 2012-2014 by citizen scientists rafting the Colorado River. Simple light traps were set out each night in camp and used to capture the adult life stages of aquatic insects that emerged from the C

Coastal Topography-Assateague Island, Maryland and Virginia, Post-Hurricane Joaquin, 26 November 2015

Lidar-derived bare-earth topography Digital Elevation Model (DEM) mosaic and classified point-cloud datasets were produced from remotely sensed, geographically referenced elevation measurements collected post-Hurricane Joaquin on November 26, 2015.

Boat-based water surface elevation profiles along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, in March, 2015

Water surface elevation measurements were collected in the spring of 2015 along the upper Willamette River, Oregon, from Eugene to Corvallis. These surveys were collected using an RTK-GPS on a motorboat traveling on-plane down the river. These data sets were collected for equipment calibration and validation for the NASA AirSWOT mission, but serve as potential data sets for future studies on the u

Water-quality distribution in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, USGS towed multiparameter sonde, Daily tow data files (Feb. 25-27, 2010 and March 2-3, 2010)

These data files include georeferenced water-quality data with associated time stamps (Central Standard Time) for basic water-quality parameters as measured by a towed multiparameter sonde (YSI 6920 sonde) from a manned boat in the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal. Data were collected on February 25-27, 2010, and again on March 2-3, 2010. The data collected in February 2010 had the sonde on a fixed
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