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Vegetation, soil, and landscape data

The northern Gulf of Mexico coast spans two major climate gradients and represents an excellent natural laboratory for developing climate-influenced ecological models. In this project, we used these zones of remarkable transition to develop macroclimate-based models for quantifying the regional responses of coastal wetland ecosystems to climate variation. In addition to providing important fish an

California State Waters Map Series Data Catalog--Pigeon Point to Monterey, California

Data catalog for California State Waters Map Series--Pigeon Point to Monterey, California.

Geodatabase for the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia

The US Geological Survey, in cooperation with the National Park Service, conducted detailed geologic mapping on 35 7.5-minute quadrangles, within a 2-mile-wide+ corridor centered on the Parkway, from BLRI (Blue Ridge Parkway) Mile Post (MP) 0 near Afton, Virginia southward to MP 218 at Cumberland Knob, approximately 1.3 km south of the Virginia - North Carolina State Line. Detailed bedrock geologi

Water and Air Temperature Throughout the Range of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout in Colorado and New Mexico; ; 2010-2015 V2

This data set characterizes the thermal regime in a number of Colorado and New Mexico streams that contain populations of Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis) or have been considered potential restoration areas for the fish. The majority of these streams had no previous record of continual temperature records. When compared to Colorado water temperature criteria (Cold Tier

Aquatic invertebrates and vegetation and water-quality of Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota: 2013-2014

During 2013 and 2014 aquatic invertebrates were collected and vegetation was inventoried from sample locations distributed throughout Pool 10 and West Pool of Big Stone National Wildlife Refuge. Invertebrate sampling was conducted using aquatic activity traps and by collecting organisms from submersed vegetation. Vegetation was inventoried through a combination of visual observation and collection

DNA fingerprinting of Southern Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus fuliginatus) to determine movement across California State Route 67

The goal of this project was to primarily assess east-west connectivity across Route 67 and secondarily, north-south connectivity across Scripps Poway Parkway and Poway Road, two highly trafficked roads to the west of Route 67. We collected deer scat piles from both sides of these crossings in spring between March and June of 2015, and again in fall throughout October 2015. Collected pellets were

Data release for journal article entitled Removal Kinetics of Dissolved Organic Matter and the Optical Clarity of Groundwater - Supporting Data

Water quality and optical absorbance data for journal article entitled, "The removal kinetics of dissolved organic matter and the optical clarity of groundwater" by FH Chapelle, Yuan Shen, Eric W. Strom, and Ronald Benner.

Vertical gradients of filtered methylmercury, filtered total mercury, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved chloride in stream-bed sediments at SixMile Brook, New York and McTier Creek, South Carolina during summer 2009.

Data includes finescale (1.5 cm minimum resolution) vertical solute concentrations for filtered methylmercury (ng/L), filtered total mercury (ng/L), dissolved organic carbon (mg/L), and dissolved chloride (micromole/L) in SixMile Brook, New York and McTier Creek, South Carolina. Vertical solute data were assessed one time at one site in each stream in 2009, at edge-of-water (margin) and center-of-

Spatially Explicit Modeling of Annual and Seasonal Habitat for Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) in Nevada and Northeastern California - an Updated Decision-Support Tool for Management

Successful adaptive management hinges largely upon integrating new and improved sources of information as they become available. Updating management tools for greater sage-grouse ( Centrocercus urophasianus, hereafter referred to as sage-grouse) populations, which are indicators for the large-scale health of sagebrush ( Artemisia spp.) ecosystems in the Great Basin of North America, provide a time

Mean of the Top Ten Percent of NDVI Values in the Yuma Proving Ground during Monsoon Season, 1986-2011

This study uses growth in vegetation during the monsoon season measured from LANDSAT imagery as a proxy for measured rainfall. NDVI values from 26 years of pre- and post-monsoon season Landsat imagery were derived across Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) in southwestern Arizona, USA. The LANDSAT imagery (1986-2011) was downloaded from USGSs GlobeVis website ( Change in NDVI was ca

Statistically-downscaled monthly historical (1901-2000) CRU TS 2.1 and projected future (2001-2099) CMIP3 A2 and A1B simulated temperature, precipitation, and sunshine data on a 30-second grid of the northwest United States and southwest Canada, version 1

This data set consists of monthly mean temperature (degrees C), total precipitation (mm), and possible sunshine (%) data statistically downscaled onto a 30-second grid of the northwest United States and southwest Canada. Historical climate data for 1901-2000 were developed from the CRU CL 1.0, CRU CL 2.0, and CRU TS 2.1 data sets ( Projected future climate d
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