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Fecundity data for midcontinent sandhill cranes, 2003-2006

Midcontinent sandhill cranes (Antigone canadensis) are the most abundant management population of cranes in the world and have a broad breeding range. Four breeding segments of midcontinent sandhill cranes have been designated based on spatial and temporal distributions throughout the year, including Western Alaska-Siberia (WA-S), Northern Canada-Nunavut (NC-N), West-central Canada-Interior Alaska

Tracking Data for Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus)

This metadata document describes the data contained in the "rawData" folder of this data package. This data package contains all data collected by the Argos System from 50 satellite transmitters attached to Tundra Swans on their breeding range in arctic and western Alaska, 2008. Five data files are included in the "rawData" folder of this data package. Two data files (with identical content) conta

Velocity, Discharge, and Dye Concentrations During a Dye Tracer Study on the Lower Sandusky River, Ohio, July 11-13, 2017

A dye tracer study was completed on the lower Sandusky River between July 11-13, 2017, during a confirmed Grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) spawning event. The data contained in this data release include time series of dye concentration at fixed stations downstream of the injection site and three-dimensional water-velocity data and discharge measurements collected using acoustic Doppler current

SUPERSEDED: Data Associated with Algal Toxin Testing of Common Murres (Uria aalge) and Forage Fish in Alaska, 2015–2017

This data release has been SUPERSEDED. No data are provided here. Data from HABs sampling data releases have been appended to U.S. Geological Survey data release: This data set is comprised of two tables with results of algal toxin screening for saxitoxin and domoic acid. We used enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and high-performance liquid chromatography

Concentrations of Pharmaceutical Contaminants and Their Predicted Effects from a Multi-Regional Assessment of Wadeable USA Streams, 2014-2017

Human-use pharmaceutical compounds were analyzed at the U.S. Geological Survey, National Water Quality Laboratory, Denver, Colorado, in wadeable streams in 4 Regional Stream Quality Assessments: Northeast (NESQA), Southeast (SESQA), Pacific Northwest (PNSQA) and California (CSQA). Multiple (with few exceptions) samplings occurred at each site, during base flow, between 2014 and 2017. Sites were lo

Airborne electromagnetic, magnetic, and radiometric survey of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain, November 2018 - February 2019

Airborne electromagnetic (AEM), magnetic, and radiometric data were acquired November 2018 to February 2019 along 16,816 line-kilometers (line-km) over the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP). Data were acquired by CGG Canada Services, Ltd. with three different helicopter-borne sensors: the CGG Canada Services, Ltd. Resolve frequency-domain AEM instrument that is used to map subsurface geologic struc

Dissolved gas and tracer concentrations from the Columbia Plateau Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network

This data release documents three Microsoft Excel tables that contain data for understanding environmental tracer concentrations in groundwater of the Columbia Plateau aquifer system. Results of dissolved-gas modeling using environmental tracer concentrations (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, and radiogenic helium-4), for the sample network (VPFS, vertical flow path study) are described. Dissolved g

Dissolved Gas and Tracer Concentrations for the High Plains Aquifer, Vertical Flowpath Study Network

This data release documents three Microsoft Excel tables that contain data for understanding environmental tracer concentrations in groundwater of the High Plains aquifer system. Results of dissolved-gas modeling using environmental tracer concentrations (tritium, tritiogenic helium-3, and radiogenic helium-4), for the sample network (VPFS, vertical flow path study) are described. Dissolved gas mo

Monitoring environmental controls on debris-flow sediment supply, Chalk Cliffs, Colorado, 2011 to 2015

This data release includes time-series data of rock temperature, air temperature, wind speed, and humidity at the Chalk Cliffs debris-flow monitoring site in central Colorado (Latitude: 38.73330, Longitude: -106.18704). The data were collected to help identify the environmental controls on rates of rockfall, which is the primary source of debris-flow material at the site. Data were recorded at 1-m

Phytoplankton tally sheet, including photomicrographs, for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through September 2017

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides the phytoplankton tally sheet, including photomicrographs, for samples collected from eleven large river sites throughout the United States, from June through September 2017. All data are raw tallies, not calculated abundances or concentrations. The dataset includes all routine and quality assurance/quality control samples collected as part

Phytoplankton data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through September 2017

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data Release provides phytoplankton data for samples collected from eleven large river sites throughout the United States, from June through September 2017. All data are reported as raw calculated values and are not rounded to USGS significant figures. The dataset includes all routine and quality assurance/quality control samples collected as part of a National W

Cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected at eleven large river sites throughout the United States, June through September 2017

This U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) data release provides discretely measured cyanotoxin, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacterial toxin genetic data for samples collected from eleven large river sites throughout the United States, from June through September 2017. Discrete water-quality samples were analyzed for cyanotoxins (anatoxin, cylindrospermopsin, microcystin, and saxitoxin), chlorophyll-a, and cy
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