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Flood-inundation geospatial datasets for the North Platte River at Scottsbluff and Gering, Nebraska

Digital flood-inundation maps for an 8.8-mile reach of the North Platte River, from 1.5 miles upstream of the Highway 92 bridge to 3 miles downstream of the Highway 71 bridge, were created by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with the Cities of Scottsbluff and Gering. The flood-inundation maps, which can be accessed through the USGS Flood Inundation Mapping Science website at http:/

Data on Tidally Filtered Groundwater and Surface-Water Levels, and Climatological Data Near Mill Creek and the Herring River, Cape Cod, Wellfleet, Massachusetts, 2017-2018

Groundwater and estuary water levels near Mill Creek, and the Herring River in Wellfleet Massachusetts were measured from June 2017 to June 14, 2018. Water-level data have been filtered to remove the effects of the daily tides. The mean daily value of the tidally filtered 15 minute water-level data is presented. The data also include a composite data set of daily precipitation values, as well as d

Additional mapping tools for Great Basin wildfire and conifer management to increase operational resilience: integrating sagebrush ecosystem and sage-grouse response

Conservation planning efforts for sagebrush ecosystems of western North America increasingly focus on enhancing operational resilience though decision-support tools that link spatially explicit variation in soil and plant processes to outcomes of biotic and abiotic disturbances spanning large spatial extents. However, failure to consider higher trophic-level fauna (e.g. wildlife) in these tools ca

SPARROW model inputs and simulated streamflow, nutrient and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the Pacific Region of the United States, 2012 Base Year

The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was used to aid in the interpretation of monitoring data and simulate streamflow and water-quality conditions in streams across the Pacific Region of the Unites States. SPARROW is a hybrid empirical/process-based mass balance model that can be used to estimate the major sources and environme

Landsat and Sentinel-2 satellite data fusion-derived evapotranspiration maps of Palo Verde Irrigation District, California, USA

Three ET datasets were generated to evaluate the potential integration of Landsat and Sentinel-2 data for improved ET mapping. The first ET dataset was generated by linear interpolation (Lint) of Landsat-based ET fraction (ETf) images of before and after the selected image dates. The second ET dataset was generated using the regular SSEBop approach using the Landsat image only (Lonly). The third E

Non-native and synanthropic bird data derived from 2010-2012 Breeding Bird Survey and associated landscape metrics from 2011 NLCD

Locations of and proportional abundance of non-native and synanthropic passerines were extracted from Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) data from 2010-2012. Information characterizing the spatial variation and the associated amount, aggregation, and diversity of developed and agricultural land cover types was extracted from the National Land Cover Datasets of 2011. Data supported analyses in the publicat

SPARROW model inputs and simulated streamflow, nutrient and suspended-sediment loads in streams of the Midwestern United States, 2012 Base Year

The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) model was used to aid in the interpretation of monitoring data and simulate streamflow and water-quality conditions in streams across the Midwest Region of the United States. SPARROW is a hybrid empirical/process-based mass balance model that can be used to estimate the major sources and environme

Evaluation of Survey Methods for Colonial Waterbirds at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, data release

We investigated methods to estimate the number of nests of waterbirds at a large, mixed-species colony at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in south-central North Dakota in 2012 and 2013. The data were summarized and used in the analyses for a publication in a U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. The data consist of two data sets that were used to assess visible-nest counts for ciconiiform s

Data for Time Scales of Arsenic Variability and the Role of High-Frequency Monitoring at Three Water-Supply Wells in New Hampshire, USA

This data release consists of data (in four tables) for assessing the time scales of arsenic variability in three production wells in New Hampshire; tables that describe the data fields in the data tables are also included in the data release. High-frequency (every 5 to 15 minutes) and bi-monthly water-quality monitoring of a bedrock-aquifer domestic well (425651070573701), a bedrock-aquifer publi

Trends in organic matter in baldcypress swamps of the southeastern United States: 2007-2011

A better understanding of the potential of climate change to affect carbon dynamics in wetlands can be gained through the study of plant decomposition and soil organic matter trends across continental gradients. This study from 2007 and 2011 examines patterns of wood, leaf and cloth decomposition, as well as soil organic matter storage in Taxodium distichum (T. distichum) swamps along the Mississi

Direct Trace Element Determination in Oil and Gas Produced Waters with Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES): Advantages of High Salinity Tolerance (2019)

Waters co-produced during petroleum extraction are the largest waste stream from oil and gas development. Reuse or disposal of these waters is difficult due both to their high salinities, which can greatly exceed 35 g/L (seawater equivalent), and also the sheer volume of wastewater generated, which is estimated at nearly 900 billion gallons per year across the United States. Beyond disposal concer

Hydrographic surveys collected to monitor fish spawning reef placements, Detroit and St. Clair Rivers, Michigan, July 23-25, 2018

The U.S Geological Survey conducted hydrographic surveys from July 23-25, 2018 to monitor fish spawning substrate placements (reefs) in the Detroit and St. Clair Rivers, Michigan. A multibeam echosounder was used from the Great Lakes Science Center research vessel Cisco to collect hydrographic data. These data were used to generate maps of river bottom topography in locations where spawning substr
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